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Egypt to hold parliamentary elections in October
Egypt will hold a long awaited parliamentary election in October, a move that should mark the completion of the country’s transition to democracy but comes amid mounting criticism of a tough government crackdown on dissent.
The EU referendum must be seen to be fair
The government should head off the threat of a backbench rebellion by agreeing to keep purdah rules in place......* * *
Debar Spa Capa is a Spa Resort in the western part of Macedonia offering a total programme for relaxation and rehabilitation. It is located high...EU ministers to meet on September 14 for urgent migrant talks
European Union home affairs ministers will hold emergency talks on September 14 in Brussels on the continent's escalating migration crisis, the Luxembourg government said on Sunday. ...The European Union’s migrant ‘emergency’ is entirely of its own making
We could treat asylum and labour mobility as questions of justice or opportunity, as some European states did in the postwar era....Jetëgjatësia
Gjenetika. Një element tjetër i rëndësishëm është ambienti. Të jetosh në një ambient natyror, të qetë, të ndihmon. Pastaj është edhe ushqimi. Unë këshilloj qumështin dhe nënproduktet e tij. ...Free EU movement 'for those with jobs'
EU free movement should mean the "freedom to move to a job" - not to look for work or benefits - Home Secretary Theresa May has said....No right to despair
As we enter into five years of Conservative rule, those of us who are relatively privileged need to be reminded of a vital principle: we have no right to despair. We won't pay the highest price....Vija e vdekjes
Më duhej një çertifikatë për të provuar se jam plak, se kam punuar për Shqipëri dhe se jam njeri që meritoj hylefe nga qeveria; se, helbete, edhe unë kam punuar për Shqipërinë....Augustin Bisaku (1927- 2015)
Augustin Bisaku u lind më 20 Prill të vitit 1927 në Bishtazhin të Gjakovës. Shkollën fillore e kreu në vendlindje. Në moshën rinore ai u dallua si oficer paraushtarak....Julian Assange 'told Edward Snowden not to seek asylum in Latin America'
Julian Assange has said he advised the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden against seeking asylum in Latin America because he could have been kidnapped and possibly killed there....Author info