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Will Brexit spell the end of fishing quotas?
The Leave campaign promised that Brexit would help fishers ‘take back control’ of Britain’s fishing waters and stocks. But how quotas are allocated has always been a national decision.
The Arab Spring and the Western Winter
These are all recurring themes in ongoing debates across the West, with its growing population of disaffected whites, displaced workers, and frustrated young people. Over time, as economic liberalism has crowded out longstanding principles of equality and social solidarity......Mesazhi amerikan dhe ata që s'duan të dëgjojnë
Situata politike bëhet kështu edhe më e rrezikshme, pasi njëra nga palët ka vendosur thjesht të mos dëgjojë dhe të mos shikojë. Të shohim edhe për sa kohë. Nuk ka shurdh më të keq, sesa ai që nuk ka dëshirë të dëgjojë, thotë proverbi....A More Dangerous Globalism
“America first,” thumps Donald Trump. “Britain first,” say the advocates of Brexit. “France first,” crows Marine Le Pen and her National Front. “Russia first,” proclaims Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin. With so much emphasis on national sovereignty nowadays, globalization appears doomed....The Eurozone is Still Vulnerable
Meanwhile, the ECB would need to play a different and more distant role than it has. And independent authorities – such as the European Commission or even an entirely new institution – would need to ensure that savings were put to productive use in each country....A Day in the Country
In spring, before one is weary of the warmth and the monotonous green of the fields, when everything is fresh and full of fragrance, who would not want to hear about the golden may-beetles, about the cranes, about the gurgling streams, and the corn mounting into ear?...Westminster terror attack ...
Four people, including an armed police officer and a man believed to be the attacker, have died in a terrorist incident near the UK's Houses of Parliament, Scotland Yard has said....The EU’s Road to Rome
Whatever way Europe goes, the first step is to determine which route it will take. Simply put, Europe must decide whether to collaborate or cooperate. This is what should be on the table....David Rockefeller ( 1915 - 2017)
“David Rockefeller led an extraordinary life — making an indelible, positive mark on our world as a leader in philanthropy, the arts, business and global affairs,” said Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase....Jürgen Habermas: our European Hegel?
What is left out in Habermas’s deliberations on Europe is any possibility for political, social or cultural contingencies; the assumption is that things simply get better if not all but then at least most of the time....Das Knowhow Kapital
The alternative is to overcome past divisions by forging a new, more inclusive definition of “us,” one that acknowledges the potential contribution of the knowhow that exists, in the heads where it exists, and ensures that it can flow to a broader segment ......Populli dhe Europa presin vetingun, politika luan “kampingun”
Momenti e kërkon që forcat tona politike të mazhorancës dhe opozitës të ishin bashkë për problemet madhore që kalon vendi, rajoni dhe më gjerë, por për fat të keq dhe në këto raste kjo forcë politike që e donte Shqipërinë si Europa......Housing Bubble Déjà Vu
The global financial crisis that the US housing-market crash triggered in 2008 carried important lessons about how fragile the financial system is in the face of a housing-market collapse. Unfortunately, policymakers have not yet fully applied them....Responding to Brexit: taking the political initiative
Are there European politicians with the flexibility and capacity to address the challenge? And UK politicians able to respond to them?...Reforma në drejtësi duhet t’i besohet referendumit
Reforma në drejtësi duhet t’i kthehet referendumit dhe është mundësia më e mirë e shqiptarëve për t’u shprehur dhe dënuar këtë klasë politikë të vjetër, që është një......Gazmend Freitag modern and an innovative Artist
Gazmend Freitag has already achieved a success in the artistic world. His pictures and his participation in various world exhibitions are quite convincing. ...Restoring Trust in Expertise
We need expertise more than ever to solve the world’s problems. The question is not how to manage without experts, but how to ensure that expertise is trustworthy. Getting this right is vital: if the future is ......Does digital democracy improve democracy?
The game-changer for democracy, however, is not the revitalization of the traditional means of political participation like elections, petition-signing and protests through digital tools......Author info