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'UK out of recession by Christmas'

Prime minister vows to restore growth and reform financial sector by end of year.

In his first public comments on the economy since it was revealed Britain is still in recession, Gordon Brown today insisted he would restore growth and reform the financial sector by the end of this year.

Following Friday's surprise announcement that the economy shrank by 0.4% in the third quarter of 2009 and was officially in the longest recession since records began, the prime minister insisted the battle against the downturn was being won.

And he warned it would be "suicidal" to put recovery at risk by cutting spending now, as Conservatives advocate.

The prime minister's comments came in a podcast, released on the 10 Downing Street website and YouTube, on the 80th anniversary of the Wall Street crash. He also announced plans to make credit and store card operators "clean up their acts", with a set of consumer protection measures to be unveiled over the coming week. Brown said: "Although there are signs that confidence is beginning to return in some areas, we need to be cautious.

"Now, more than ever, is the time for steady and clear policies. That is why it would be suicidal to put recovery at risk by suddenly cutting off the funding and investment that is supporting young people, families and businesses through the most challenging times in a generation."

Brown added: "The battle to stop this global downturn becoming a second Great Depression is being won", as a result of countries being willing to co-operate internationally on co-ordinated interventions.

He said he would press forward with this international co-operation at Thursday's European Council summit in Brussels, when EU leaders "need to plan to further mobilise our resources in support of businesses and jobs".

Brown also promised further action on excessive bonuses in the City. Addressing the public, he said: "We are continuing to act on unfair and excessive bonuses being paid in the banking system that your money helped to save.

"We must bring financial markets into closer alignment with the values that everybody holds: hard work, responsibility, integrity and fairness. My pledge to you is to make reform of the financial sector a reality and to see Britain's economy return to growth by the turn of the year."

Discussing the action he is taking on credit arrangements, Brown said: "We are announcing measures to make the credit and store card companies clean up their act to get you a fairer deal.

"Sharp practices by lenders – such as hiking interest rates on existing debts without explanation, sending out unsolicited credit card cheques and raising credit card limits without being asked – should end." Guardian

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