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Google Earth presents Royal Wedding procession tour

Google Earth is marking the event by providing a flashy 3D tour of said procession, so those who aren’t there waving flags and throwing confetti can check out the route and famous landmarks along the way.




By Darren Allan



It’s unlikely to have escaped your attention that today’s the big day when Prince William and Kate Middleton get hitched.

Some two billion people will be watching across the globe, apparently – nearly a third of the world’s entire population – as the pair tie the knot and then embark on a celebratory procession around London.

Google Earth is marking the event by providing a flashy 3D tour of said procession, so those who aren’t there waving flags and throwing confetti can check out the route and famous landmarks along the way.

The procession starts at Westminster Abbey – as handily enough that’s where the wedding is – and takes in the sights of Parliament, before going past Downing Street, then by Mr Chippy’s Fish Emporium before heading down The Mall alongside St James’s Park to reach Buckingham Palace.

If you want to take a look and enjoy the tour yourself, head on over to the Google Earth website.


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