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“My Dream, Chinese Dream”

“It is hoped that it will inspire and educate young people to have dreams and work hard to realise their dreams.” 





China's 220-million primary and middle school students are to watch a TV programme in the first class of the fall semester that begins on September 1, which aims to inspire them, according to an official in the Ministry of Education (MoE).

Titled “My Dream, Chinese Dream”, and jointly produced by the MoE and China Central Television (CCTV), it will be aired from 9-10:40 a.m. on September 1, said Wang Dinghua, who looks after primary and middle school affairs with the MoE. It would issue a circular to schools about this.

“It is hoped that it will inspire and educate young people to have dreams and work hard to realise their dreams.” It will feature those who have made it ‘from rags to riches', and will include the story of Yuan Longping, a scientist dubbed as the “father of hybrid rice,” Ma Yun, a self-made Internet business tycoon and also the chief executive officer of Alibaba Networking Technology Co., and Hong Kong film star Jackie Chan. Chinese students had their first national TV class in 2008. That year, they were given tips on how to survive a natural disaster. In 2009, they were told to love home, friends and country. — Xinhua

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