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The Wise Judge

The King knocked at the door of the room. The second sonasked his father to get in and closed the door again. There were darkness everywhere and The King shouted at his second son angrily. 






The Wise Judge


Two women were brought before King Solomon. Both these women had a quarrel over a single baby. Each woman was saying that she was the baby's mother. 

One lady said, "Oh King! I am the baby's mother". 

The other lady said, "Oh King! Believe her not. She is not the mother. I am the mother of the child". 

King Solomon was confused. After a deep thought he said, "Cut the baby into two and give one part to each mother". One woman was silent. The other cried "Oh King! Let she have the baby. Let the baby live". The king gave the child to the crying mother. 



The Wind and The Sun



It was an autumn day. The wind and the sun had an argument. 

The wind boasted "I am stronger than you." 

The sun mildly said "No. you are not". 

Just then, they saw a traveller wrapped in a blanket was passing by. The wind said, "Whoever separates the blanket from traveller is the stronger. Do you agree?" 

The sun replied, "OK. First you try." 

The wind started blowing. The traveller wrapped his blanket around him. He blew harder. The traveller held his blanket firmer. He blew still harder. The traveller held his blanket still tighter. The harder the wind blew the tighter and firmer did the traveller hold his blanket. The wind failed. 

It was the Sun's turn. The sun smiled gently at the traveller. The traveller loosened his grip on the blanket. The sun smiled warmly. The traveller felt the warmth and soon took off the blanket. 

The sun was declared stronger. 



The Right Person 


Once there was a wise King. He had two sons. He appointed eminent scholars to teach them all arts. After a few years of teachings, the King fell ill badly. So, he wanted to select his next King for his Kingdom. He wanted to test his sons’ abilities. 


He called both of them and gave a room to each of them. He said, “You must fill this room completely with anything you wish. It can be anything! But there should be no space left behind and you should not seek the advice from anyone!” 


The next day the king visited the elder’s son room. The room was completely filled with hay. The king sighed on the foolishness of the elder son. 


The he went to the younger son’s room. But it was kept closed. The King knocked at the door of the room. The second sonasked his father to get in and closed the door again. There were darkness everywhere and The King shouted at his second son angrily. 


But the second son lighted a candle and said, I have filled this room with light!” 


Now the King felt very happy and hugged his son proudly. He understood that the younger son would be the right person to rule The Kingdom after The King. 


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