Home | Environment | Half-term temperatures set to hit 20C

Half-term temperatures set to hit 20C

Families planning a holiday during the half-term break could be in for a welcome bout of unseasonable weather this weekend as temperatures rise to 20C.

By Sarah Rainey

In a change from the recent cold snap, holidaymakers will enjoy a warm spell which may mark the last of the good weather before the winter sets in.

Forecasters have said the mild weather will start on Sunday, with temperatures rising to 20C, and it is expected to continue well into next week.

Parents preparing for the half-term break are set to enjoy days of sunshine, with little rain predicted across the UK. The Met Office said the south would enjoy most of the fine weather, with showers in Scotland and the west.

But as holidaymakers head for the coast, widespread traffic congestion is expected to cause chaos on Britain's roads.

Nearly 15 million cars are set to hit the roads from mid-afternoon on Friday, with the worst-hit areas expected to be Milton Keynes, Staffordshire and Bristol, the AA said.
The first Friday of half-term is often the busiest day of the year on motorways and main roads as families visit relatives, take shopping trips and spend time at theme parks including Alton Towers and Legoland.
After a hectic weekend, the roads will be quieter during the week before peaking again next weekend, when the end of half-term coincides with Halloween.
Delays are also expected at airports and on trains as many holidaymakers head further afield.
BAA expects more than 200,000 people to pass through Heathrow airport, with families planning half-term trips to the Canary Islands, Turkey and Florida.

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