Home | Environment | Rotating house that follows Sun

Rotating house that follows Sun

An Australian couple has constructed a rotating house that can get proper light all day long by following the Sun just at the touch of a  button. 





The octagonal home is set on a turntable and spins around a central core of plumbing and electrical fittings.

The property of Luke and Debbie Everingham, in New South Wales, boasts of irregularly-shaped rooms which are more spacious than most conventional houses and capture as much natural light as possible.

The entire structure is powered by two electric engines not much bigger than a washing machine motor.
Rotation is controlled using a touch panel on the wall of the living room, which can be pre-programmed or operated manually.

The couple spent nearly £400,000 in designing and building the house. “It’s a magic place to live because you can make the most of the weather and your surroundings. We might be relaxing in the living room and enjoying the sunshine and all it takes is a press on the keypad and the house will follow the Sun,” the Daily Telegraph quoted Everingham, 47, as saying.

“The only problem is that sometimes you can become a bit disorientated by the movement of the house,” he added. The house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a laundry room, kitchen, dining room, office, living room and an observatory on top.

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