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Ideal Summer workout!

Get in shape this Summer with a hot new workout regime. 


Sarrah Khilawala


Summer workouts are a great way to get rid of the extra flab gained during the long months of winter. But before you step out, remember that the sun can take a toll on the body. So it’s better to indulge in indoor exercises to avoid getting a heat stroke or getting dehydrated. Summer is also the best time to become a water baby and swim around in the pool for as long as you desire.

We asked Deanne Pandey, fitness expert on an ideal workout regime for the summer,”Indoor workouts like gymming, aerobics and yoga are the best options to avoid the scorching heat this summer. Swimming and water aerobics can do wonders for the body as they not only protect you from the heat, but are also great to work out the cardiovascular system”, she says. Water exercises are a perfect way to get some exercise without being bothered about the scorching sun, as well as a fun and socially interactive exercising option.

Stick to a light diet. Stay away from fried foods and heavy meals. Include vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and different sorts of salads in your diet. Apart from assisting weight loss, drinking lots of water also helps you stay hydrated, say esperts. Opt for cool drinks like iced tea instead of aerated drinks.

Eat a mango a day, include carbohydrates for dinner and shell out some money on a good massage from a therapist.

Going easy on the workout schedule is advisable in the summer as one is already tired and drained out after a hard day’s work, so workout schedules should be reduced to three times a week. There’s no restriction on water exercises like swimming; a dip a day isn’t harmful.

Sports science and nutrition expert Rujuta Diwekar says, “Trekking is the best workout ever and helps in burning fat easily. The mountains are a great summer workout location because it's usually cooler in hilly terrain. As you’ll be gaining altitude, a temperature drop may also be noticed. Group exercises could also be a fun summer workout session to look at.”

Workouts could get tedious for models during summers as they’re constantly on the move. Model Candice Pinto says, “My workout during the summers is generally light. I restrict my cardio and weight training to 3-4 times, which I otherwise do every day. Swimming is a good option, but I prefer a dip in the early morning or late evening, as being under the hot sun may not be good for the skin.”

Outdoor exercises on the beach, like a game of volleyball or just a long walk on the beach is in itself a great workout (sand provides you the extra resistance that a treadmill fails to). Walking barefoot on the sand is also beneficial for the calves. Finish your beach workout with deep breathing, meditation and stretching. So go ahead and say bye to the mundane gym routine and try something new this summer!

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