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Google launches real-time search engine

Google has created a separate search engine dedicated to producing real-time results only. 




By Emma Barnett, Digital Media Editor


Google signed several deals in a bid to make its service more real-time at the end of last year. The search company has been integrating real-time information into the body of its main search results since last December, after signing deals with Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. This has meant that when somebody searches for a particular topic on Google they have received real-time updates from a variety of social media sites, as well as the usual list of search results

However, Google has now developed a standalone real-time search engine, which crawls the web for the most up-to-the moment search results, as well continuing to integrate real-time result into its main search results.

Google Realtime Search’ can be accessed here and "soon" via its own web address: www.google.com/realtime.

Dylan Casey, a product manager at Google, wrote on the company’s blog: “On the new homepage you’ll find some great tools to help you refine and understand your results. First, you can use geographic refinements to find updates and news near you, or in a region you specify. So if you’re travelling to Los Angeles this summer, you can check out tweets from Angelenos to get ideas for activities happening right where you are.

“In addition, we’ve added a conversations view, making it easy to follow a discussion on the real-time web. Often a single tweet sparks a larger conversation of re-tweets and other replies, but to put it together you have to click through a bunch of links and figure it out yourself. With the new “full conversation” feature, you can browse the entire conversation in a single glance. We organise the tweets from oldest to newest and indent so you quickly see how the conversation developed.

“Finally, we’ve also added updates content to Google Alerts, making it easy to stay informed about a topic of your choosing. Now you can create an alert specifically for “updates” to get an email the moment your topic appears on Twitter or other short-form services. Or, if you want to manage your email volume, you can set alerts to email you once per day or week.”

At the end of last year, search engines had begun to disappoint those searchers hunting for the latest updates on fast-moving stories. During last summer's protests in Iran, for example, Google search results delivered the Wikipedia entry for Iran or a recent news article about the clashes. However, a search on Twitter showed the latest news from the people on the streets of Tehran as events unfolded.

This demand for real-time information led to Google, Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo!, partnering with the likes of Twitter, in order to make their searches more relevant and faster.

Last year, in an interview with The Telegraph, Tom Stocky, Google’s director of product management said: “People want the most up-to-date information and that’s what services such as Twitter have provided a great platform for – which is why we are really happy to work with them and gain access to that information so we can deeply embed it into our search system.”

Stocky explained that speed is essential to Google search and one of the elements it is always trying to improve. “Search speed means two things: one – how quickly results come back to you and two – how quickly we can update the information. Adding real-time results to our product will massively help with the latter part of this definition. We have to make our results as fresh and relevant as possible.” Telegraph

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