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Australia starts human trials of H1NI vaccine
Melbourne-based CSL company will test the vaccine for the H1N1 virus.
The trials will be conducted on some 600 adult and child volunteers at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia. They will be receiving two injections of the vaccine, three weeks apart.
Doctors will analyze the participants who have got both standard and increased dosage and look to find at what dose they develop an appropriate immune response.
Melbourne-based CSL company will test the vaccine for the H1N1 virus.
"We appreciate that new influenza strains like the swine flu can surprise us with properties that mean they might require higher dosing and two injections rather than one to provoke the desired level of immune response in humans ", Dr. Russell Basser, CSL's Global Director of Clinical Development, said in a statement.
Australia is among the countries worst-hit by the H1N1 virus originated in Mexico.
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