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Nutrition for adolescents

Adolescence is the time to inculcate food and exercise habits which ensure good health forever. 



Norbert Rego


Out of all the stages of life, the most fascinating is the adolescent age. During this phase, a child is going through many changes in his/her body – changes occur in hormones, skin, height, weight, etc. The child observes these changes and makes amendments in his/her eating habits without appropriate guidance.

Peer pressure is very high during adolescence. The need to be in step with the trends and belong to the peer group leads the adolescent to eating non-nutritious foods like pizzas, burgers, coffees, aerated drinks, chocolates and also other roadside junk foods.

Awareness about one’s body and its appearance becomes the top priority. It is important for adolescents to realise that they are going through growth spurt and poor nutrition can lead to deficiencies which may cause metabolic disorders in adulthood.

Girls skip meals in their anxiety to be thin. This leads to anemia or low bone density in adulthood. Anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder, is very common among young children. Due to irregular college or school schedules, intake of caffeinated drinks increases and water intake reduces. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced concentration in studies, hair fall, low stamina, depression or poor posture.

Adolescents are also very conscious about the pimples and acne on their skin and face and tend to follow all the possible suggestions from people around them.

Adolescence is the time to inculcate food and exercise habits which ensure good health forever. There are simple methods of taking care of health during this period.

- Eat at least two to three meals of fruits in a day for a glowing complexion and to keep constipation away.
- Coconut water and fresh fruit juice will improve immunity and also provide vital vitamins.
- A minimum of two glasses of skimmed milk is a good midnight snack when it is exam time or when awake late for projects.
- Egg or chicken sandwich is a better option while meeting up with friends or after exercise or swimming.
- A milkshake is always a better choice as compared to an aerated drink.
- Breakfast is the most important meal, as it ensures minimum brain damage due to an overnight fast.
- A water intake of three-four litres per day clears all toxins from the body and keeps the skin healthy and glowing.
- A handful of raisins and almonds make a very good in between snack during long hours of studies.
- Never exercise on an empty stomach – eat some fruit as you can do full justice to your exercise session with some simple carbohydrates.
- Avoid foods that are processed or canned as they contain preservatives which can be carcinogenic in future life.
- Foods that are rich in sugar are responsible for obesity, gasses in the stomach and also cause skin eruptions.
- Fish, chicken, eggs are good sources of protein which help in growth and repair of worn out tissues.
- Always eat your breakfast and at least one meal with plenty of vegetables that is healthy and nutritious, at home.
- Sit and eat peacefully, because body absorbs nutrition under minimum anxiety and stress from the food we eat.
- Avoid crash diet, mono diets and skipping meals to keep the metabolism high and also help in fat loss.
- Exercise daily for five days a week to ensure good health and a fit body.
- Whenever you happen to eat out in a restaurant, have a fresh pineapple juice along with your meal to prevent indigestion.
- Fried and oily foods and foods with cheese and cream take a long time to digest thus cause indigestion and are a very strong reason for pimples and obesity.
- Walnuts and dried apricots enhance brain function and concentration.
- Eat whenever you are hungry, not because everyone around is eating.

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