Home | Literature | "Duet of Azure" - Poetic Dialogue

"Duet of Azure" - Poetic Dialogue

"Duet of Azure" by JUNPA Books is published in two languages (English and Japanese)







"Duet of Azure" by JUNPA Books is published in two languages (English and Japanese) between the two poets, the albanian poet Bujar Plloshtani and the japanese poetess Yui Tsukasa. While professional translating and adopting in Japanese was realized by the well-known Japanese professor and poetess Mariko Sumikura.


Bujar Plloshtani, poet and essayist

Faculty of Law at South East European Univesity.

December 2005, as a member of the Macedonian Albanian League of Writers visits "Goethe Haus", "Goethe Museum" and "Friedrich Schiller Exhibition", Frankfurt / Main.

Worked in SAATCHI Organization, the sector of interviews in Skopje.

In October 2007, establishing the Association of Artists "Pushkin" and he was elected president

Winning Literary Festival "Tirana 2016" - Edition II Jury Prize essay “On existentialism"

He participated in literary festivals in the country and abroad.


"Directed by soul" – poetry
"Treaty in logic of thinking" – philosophy
"By word's logic" – poetry
 "Ethics and Politics" - political philosophy
Duet of Azure" – poetry (2018, Japan Universal Poets Association)

Yui Tsukasa, poetess

Poet, Born in Tokyo, Lives in Kyoto.


Japan Poets Association, The Japan Poets Club

Japan Universal Poets Association

Kansai Poets Association

Chair of Kyoto Contemporary Poets Association

Poetry magazines "Aoi Hana" and "PO"

Publication "Nishisakaidanidanchi kara"

"Tamashii no kanaderu neiro (Resounding Notes played by a Soul)

"Duet of Azure Ao no Nijuso" co-authored with Bujar Plloshtani

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