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Detach yourself from the superfluous.

Is free of beliefs. And immersed in happiness.


 by Alejandro Jodorowsky




Demolish walls that bar you from yourself.

Eliminate the conceited puppet around your conscience.

They injected you with a hump's opinion.

They nailed you in Time defining you by age

They embedded you with the grim faces of ancestors.

They enclosed your being in a passport,

In a language, in a suit of mud

And mutilated your differences.

Cease to live around you,

Detach yourself from the superfluous.

Look for the invisible root until your self

Is free of beliefs. And immersed in happiness.



Sowing Seeds 


Never take a step without burying seed. 

Each new second begins an eternity, each pace

Each pace precipitates an infinite staircase,

Each gesture the nucleus of a new cosmos.

If the wise sows not, he is but barren reason.

He who accumulates without giving, empties himself.

Before you smooth the way, sweep from it your petrified illusions. 

In the marsh of suffering, plant a flash of joy,

nail it firmly in that which only imitates the eternal.

You can follow the opposite path: the river's current

does not reject but polishes and includes the rough stone

The pebble submitting itself to the eternal gives sense to it 

A single seed justifies the whole earth's existence. 






When speaking to a prisoner do not offer resistance: enter

His cell, becoming a mirror.

Let him be seen in you, because he is never seen,

Refuge in yesterday, always eating the same piece of bread,

Drinking the same drink of water, mistaking scratches for caresses,

ruminating the pleasure of dissatisfaction.

Is he encased, disguised, having fled, hidden among the 

Chairs? Does he insult, threaten and kick the air?

You have to be a reflection, an echo, a shadow, look for the loop, introduce yourself like a thief.

Help him to see the walls that enclose him, invite him to

Demolish them, erase from his mind ingrained ideas, give him the desire to live his own life and not the one imposed.


Translated by Tom Billsborough 

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