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Cameron Is Great Britain's New PM

Sky News sources say George Osborne, long-time friend and colleague of Mr Cameron, will get the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is that Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will become Deputy Prime Minister.




Leaving the palace with his pregnant wife Samantha, Mr Cameron gave a wave to royal staff and mouthed: "Thank you."

As their silver Jaguar drove through the gates at the front of the palace on the way to Downing Street, the couple were cheered by a small crowd.

Sky News' royal commentator Alastair Bruce said the Queen would have asked the Tory leader the constitutional question "Will you form the new administration?" and the moment he said "yes" he became prime minister of Great Britain.

Mr Bruce added: "And then his wife would have been invited into the room and they would all have had a jolly good chat."

Sky News' royal correspondent Sarah Hughes said Mr Cameron's audience with the Queen lasted some 25 minutes.

It came just a short while after Gordon Brown quit as prime minister, telling the country he had "loved the job" and adding: "Thank you and goodbye," before walking out of Downing Street with his wife and sons.

Sky News' political editor Adam Boulton said: "We are expecting David Cameron and his wife in Downing Street this evening."

Mr Cameron will be the 14th prime minister the Queen has dealt with.

Sky News sources say George Osborne, long-time friend and colleague of Mr Cameron, will get the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is that Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will become Deputy Prime Minister.

© Sky News 2010

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