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Western powers keep pressure on Iran

Western diplomats close to the IAEA also said the deal did not remove the case for further U.N. sanctions.





PARIS: Western powers kept the pressure on Iran on Monday to reach an agreement with the United Nations over its nuclear programme or face more sanctions. France, Germany, Britain and other Western diplomats did not relax their demands on Iran, seeing the Islamic republic as still causing serious concern.

“Let's not be duped by this,” said French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero. “A solution for the medical reactor, while necessary, would in no way resolve the problem posed by the Iranian nuclear programme. The exchange of uranium that is envisaged amounts to a confidence gesture, a side issue,” he told reporters.

France's Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), must be the first body to respond to Iran's agreement to send its nuclear fuel to Turkey for enrichment, a view echoed by the German government.

“It of course remains important that Iran and the IAEA reach an accord,” said Germany's deputy government spokesman Christoph Steegmans. “That cannot be replaced by an accord with other countries.”

In London, British junior Foreign Minister Alistair Burt said “Iran's actions remain a serious cause for concern, in particular its refusal to meet for discussions of its nuclear programme, or cooperate fully with the IAEA, and its decision to start enriching low enriched uranium to 20 per cent”.

Western diplomats close to the IAEA also said the deal did not remove the case for further U.N. sanctions.

“They're not in trouble over the TRR [Tehran Research Reactor] deal. So fixing the refuelling for that reactor is not going to put them straight in the eyes of the international community,” said one Western diplomat.

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton welcomed the deal brokered by Turkey and Brazil but said the problem of Iran's intentions remained.

“This is welcome but does not solve the fundamental problem which is the international community has serious concerns about [the stated] peaceful intentions of Iran's nuclear programme,” said her spokeswoman.

For the Israelis, who consider Iran's nuclear drive a major threat to their country, the deal was nothing short of “manipulation”. — AFP




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