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Zadar, Croatia

Zadar had the most favourable combination of heavy sea routes from Ravenna, Venice or Trieste with the Eastern Adriatic system of channel traffic. 







A city and port in central Dalmatia; population 76,343. The old town, located on a sheltered peninsula with a suitable natural harbour, had good opportunities for establishing of traffic connections with the hinterland. Zadar had the most favourable combination of heavy sea routes from Ravenna, Venice or Trieste with the Eastern Adriatic system of channel traffic. More difficult navigation conditions for sailing ships at the open sea in regards to channel navigation have rendered Zadar a port of rest, where ships can be repaired and get their supply. Together with the development of steamships and motor ships, the port of Zadar became too narrow and too shallow for large vessels. Also, along with the concentration of traffic in the ports of northern Adriatic and with the development of Split and Sibenik, Zadar began to lose the advantage of its relatively easy connection with the hinterland. The development of traffic connections (the Adriatic Highway, 1959: the railroad Knin - Zadar, 1966, the port of Gazenica, 1968, and the airport, 1969), under new circumstances, has pointed out the advantages of the geographical position of Zadar.

The location of Zadar on the low littoral greatly contributes to its climate. An average air tempera-ture in July is 25 °C and 6.5 °C in January; with 200 sunny days a year. Due to climatic conditions, the Mediterranean vegetation prevails (in town parks grow exotic subtropical plants).

The oldest part of the town had developed in the north-western part of the peninsula (4 km long and 500 m wide on average), closing the Old Port and the Jazine bay. New suburbs, Vostarnica and Brodarica, are located mainly along the north-eastern coast of the Old Port, outside the peninsula. In the north-western part of the town is the tourist zone with hotels and restaurants (Borik). In the south-east, around the port of Gazenica, a new port-industrial zone is developing.

Many cultural institutions are located in Zadar: Faculty of Arts (1956); Historical Archives (main archives for Dalmatia, 1625), Institute of the HAZU (Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences), numerous museums, the Permanent Exhibition of Sacral Art (1976), Musical Evenings in the church of St. Donat (initiated in 1961). Zadar is located on the main road (M2, E65). Ferry pier; ferry lines with Preko, Zaglav, Mali Losinj, Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik, Ancona. Zadar Airport is located in Zemunik Donji.

City tourist association: Ulica Ilije Smiljanica b.b.

Zadar and the tourist region of Zadar are located in the very centre of the Croatian Adriatic, in the most indented part of the Adriatic archipelago. At a smaller or greater distance from Zadar are the national parks Plitvice, Paklenica, Krka and Kornati, nature parks Velebit and Telascica, as well as more than 300 islands and islets. Natural beauties, numerous coves and beaches, cultural and historical monuments, restaurants and hotels offering selected national specialities make Zadar and its surroundings one of the most attractive tourist regions in Croatia.
Tourism in Zadar has a long tradition. More recent annals note that in June 1879 a group of tourists from Vienna visited Zadar; in 1892 the Society for the Embellishment of Zadar was established (it remained active until 1918), while "Liburnija" Hiking Club and the Tourist Association were established in 1899. Early in the 20th century, in March of 1902, Hotel Bristol (today's Hotel Zagreb) opened to the public.

Tourist attraction of Zadar is also based on the combination of yachting tourism, various types of accommodation and catering services, atmosphere, charming beaches and promenades, excursions to closer and farther surroundings, as well as interesting cultural, artistic and entertainment events and programs and on especially valuable cultural and historical monuments.

The historical part of Zadar is fascinating to all those who respect historical monuments and cultural heritage. The church of St. Donat, the symbol of the city, is a must in each itinerary, as well as the museums of Zadar: the Archaeological Museum (established in 1830), one of the most important in Croatia, with about 80,000 exhibits from the Stone Age to the late Middle Ages, the National Museum with the Art Gallery and the Department of Natural Sciences, the Maritime Museum with exhibits of the development of navi-gation in northern Dalmatia, as well as the Permanent Exhibition of Sacral Art with about a thousand valuable exhibits from the past centuries, known under the popular name The Gold and Silver of Zadar (Zlato i Srebro Zadra).

In numerous restaurants and taverns of Zadar tourists should taste home-made specialities. Among drinks, the first place belongs to the famous liqueur Maraskino. As early as the 19th century, this unique drink was a favourite drink at European courts (London, Vienna, Moscow) and has been produced in Zadar since 1821.

Zadar has top conditions for sports and recreational activities. It has numerous tennis courts, as well as a football field, basketball and handball courts. It offers great opportunities for water activities, such as sailing, windsurfing, rowing, scuba--diving, angling.

Numerous and rich cultural and artistic programs are also organized. They include the traditional Music Evenings in St. Donat, New Theatre Performances, Zadar Theatre Summer, as well as various visual arts exhibitions. The city celebrates the holiday of St. Krsevan, which is, at the same time, the day of Zadar (24th of November).

Excursions are regularly organized.

Zadar offers top yachting opportunities and services. Borik Marina is located inside the Borik Hotel Complex, in the Borik bay; it has 200 berths in the sea and 100 places on the land; it also owns a charter fleet.

Tankerkomerc Zadar Marina is situated in the city harbour; it has 300 berths in the sea and 200 places on the land.


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