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The highest peak, Piton des Neiges, rises 3,069 m above sea level.
Reunion Island is located in Western Indian Ocean , approximately 220 km South-West of Mauritius and 800 km East of Madagascar.
The Island is volcanic in origin and mountainous, and covers an area of 2,512 sq km.
Geologically, this very young Island is situated over a hotspot in the middle of an earth-block, like Hawaii archipelago. The constitutive volcano is up to 7.000 meters from the oceanic crust and the highest peak, Piton des Neiges, rises 3,069 m above sea level.
This is a volcanic island with two major mountain zones, the Cirques of Cilanos, Salazie and Mafate, and the active volcano Piton-de-la-fornaise, which errupts fairly regularly.
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