Struga is a town and popular tourist destination situated in the south-western region of...
Struga is a town and popular tourist destination situated in the south-western region of the Republic of Macedonia, lying on the shore of Lake Ohrid. Once known as "Enchalon" -Eel, Struga has a population of approximetly 15 000 inhabitants. It has been known since the time of the Ilirs, and many old writers of traveling guides have noted that Struga was a very vivid city, with developed trade, great markets and the houses of the wealthy citizens were always beautiful and decorative. That is why the well-known saying: "There is no other place like Struga" exists since then. Except the Ohrid lake in Struga there is a river called Crn Drim which flows gently through the town, as it does not want to disturb the visitors walking along its banks, thrilled by its crystal clear waters. In the evening when many lights are turned on, the river has even a better view by the reflection of light from its waters.
On its way to the Adriatic Sea the Drim forms two man made lakes Globochitsa and Shpilye which are surrounded by magnificent landscapes.Much of the town's meager income is through internal tourism. Struga's location on Lake Ohrid makes it a slightly quieter and more peaceful experience than the more bustling Ohrid. When visiting this quiet town, there are a few other places that show the beauty and culture, like the clay chamber pots at the house of the Miladinovci Brothers, the old Struga bazaar, the century old churches and mosques.
Before the evenings you can enjoy on 3 kinds of beaches called Male beach ,Female beach and the most beautiful called Galeb (Gull), located just before the estuary of the river Crn Drim (Black Drim). Every August at the Poetry Bridge are held the Struga Poetry Evenings visited by poets, writers and artists from all around the world.Every summer in the culture center of Struga - summer open scene, it is organized cinemania and alter music festival ('Come, Row') including rock, metal, electro, hip hop, r'n b and many more groups from around the country. At night you can walk by the lake, by the river, or go at the most popular discos like Oaza,Biser,Tullamur beach.There's also very beautiful bars and pubs located by the lake, by the river and in the center of Struga such as Grifon, Tullamore Dew, Plivalishte, Ženska Plaža Cinema, Admiral, Album, Street, Sweet Cafe, Aquarius and many others. /
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