Mother Teresa: The Life of a Saint
On her path to sainthood, Mother Teresa was a nun, a nurse and a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
- 1910
A Saint Is BornMother Teresa is born in Skopje, now part of Macedonia.
- 1928A Journey to India
Joins the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland. There she learns English and is sent to the order’s girls’ school in Darjeeling, India, where she becomes a teacher, then principal.
- 1946Ministering to the Poor
After leaving the school, she learns nursing skills from other nuns, and begins her work with Kolkata’s poor.
- 1950A New Order
Wins church recognition for a new order, the Missionaries of Charity, and becomes its superior general.
- 1979Nobel Peace Prize
Wins the Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor. Told of the honor, she says, “I am unworthy.” Her order has grown to 1,800 nuns and 120,000 lay workers, running nearly 200 centers and homes.
1980A Visit to the United States
Visits a Missionaries of Charity house in the Bronx. The order opened its first house in the United States in Harlem in 1971, but soon moved to the Bronx.
1982A Rescue Mission in Lebanon
Travels to Beirut, rescuing dozens of developmentally disabled children from the fighting there.
- 1990In Poor Health
Suffering from heart problems, Mother Teresa tells Pope John Paul II she will resign as head of her order to make way for younger hands. But the order cannot agree on a successor, and she stays on.
- March 1997Stepping Aside
In failing health, she steps aside and is replaced by Sister Nirmala.
- Sept. 5, 1997The World Mourns
Dies in Kolkata of heart failure. She was 87.
- 2003Beatification
Pope John Paul II beatifies Mother Theresa, the first step toward sainthood.
Shenjtja e parë shqiptare, Shenjte universale e kohëve moderne, që kremtohet në mbarë botën, ku vijon të jetojë në Krishtin e gjallë, në simotrat e, sidomos në të varfërit e saj. Radio Vatikani njofton se “vlojnë përgatitjet, e jo në një fshat, qytet a komb, por kudo ngrihet një strehë e të mjerëve, vepër e Nënë Terezës. E sidomos, thënë simbolikisht, në “tri vendlindjet e saj”: në Selinë e Shenjtë, vendlindje e shpirtit; në Indi, vendlindje e misionit; në Shkup, Tiranë, Prizren, Gjakovë, në të gjitha trojet shqiptare: vendlindje e korpit e gurrë e gjakut. Sa shumë vendlindje e vende misioni pati kjo Grua e Madhe, që rroku, me krahët e saj të brishtë, mbarë botën, duke e bërë kudo të prekshme Mëshirën Hyjnore.
Papa Pali VI e quajti “Mishërim mistik në të varfërin”; Gjon Pali II “Ikonë e misionit në shekullin XX”; Benedikti XVI “Dishepulle e vërtetë e Krishtit, shembull që tregon si duhet t’u shërbejmë të varfërve”. dhe njerëzimit.
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