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Where to travel on holiday in 2012
One of the least explored countries in Europe, Albania appeared in Lonely Planet's list of top destinations for 2011, usually a harbinger of much greater visitor numbers. With miles of beautiful Ionian coastline, Roman ruins and a low cost of living, it is only a matter of time before the country follows the same path as nearby Croatia and Greece.
This Is Not It
Didn’t someone say these people and those people “are used to being tortured”......Revolucioni i ardhshëm rus?
Gjendja në Rusi ende nuk mund të quhet revolucion. Megjithatë rusët janë duke u vetëdijesuar se po qe se duan demokraci dhe drejtësi sociale, atëherë duhet të përfshihen në një betejë aktive. ...What the Moon brings
So I watched the tide go out under that sinking moon, and saw gleaming the spires, the towers, and the roofs of that dead, dripping city. And as I watched, my nostrils tried to close against the perfume--conquering stench of the world's dead......* * *
Otherwise this stone would seem defaced beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders and would not glisten like a wild beast's fur... ...* * *
We were arguing for a long time, when by some sheer luck, a child fell off a bench and broke both of his jaws. That distracted us from our argument. And then we all went home. ...Ndarja e Europës
Por ndarja e Europës qëndron më thellë se detajet e politikave fiskale. Bashkimi Europian, jo vetëm që bashkon 27 shtetet, por edhe dy modelet ekonomiko-sociale: liberalizmin anglo-sakson dhe versionin franko-gjerman të kapitalizmit fort të përshtatur. ...The Temple Of Silence
New angles of criticism, arguments that had never before been uttered by an educated voice, tests and comparisons that had been made only in dialect by men drinking in the little local public houses, crafts half forgotten that had come down by sign of hand ......The Riddle
" The judges said, "Bring us a proof of this." Then were the three mantles brought thither by the servant, and when the judges saw the misty-grey one which the King's daughter usually wore, they said, "Let the mantle be embroidered with gold and silver, and then it will be your wedding-mantle....* * *
However, this decision to grant a state funeral, with all it involves in terms of honour, ceremony and cost, is controversial. It needs to be challenged now, because when the time comes it may be too late, and the atmosphere too fraught, to change course....* * *
We have a great deal of knowledge about the world, about matter and the universe; we have also a great deal of historical knowledge about ourselves: will that knowledge free the human being from conflict? ...Václav Havel (1936-2011)
Václav Havel was a Czech playwright, essayist, poet, dissident and politician. He was the tenth and last President of Czechoslovakia (1989–92) and the first President of the Czech Republic (1993–2003)....EU hands out free holidays
Tens of thousands of political activists, including hundreds from the BNP, have been given free or subsidised holidays by British and European taxpayers....* * *
Spirit of Beauty, that dost consecrate With thine own hues all thou dost shine upon Of human thought or form, -- where art thou gone? ...Status Quo
Nënshkrimi i traktatit të aderimit nga ana e Kroacisë përbën shembullin më kuptimplotë se procesi i zgjerimit, pavarësisht ndërlikimeve që ka pësuar në vite, konfirmohet si një mundësi e patjetërsueshme e vendeve të Ballkanit Perëndimor për t’u transformuar e demokratizuar....Unquiet flows the Don
Twenty years after the break-up of the Soviet Union, tectonic shifts are once again under way in Russia. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets in Moscow and other Russian cities to protest the alleged rigging of parliamentary elections......* * *
In the winter, we shall travel in a little pink railway carriage With blue cushions....Why has Britain done a U-turn on plutonium?
Is there any logic behind the decision to convert Britain’s stockpile of plutonium into fuel for future reactors?...Europianizimi i Europës
Nëse europianët nuk i adresojnë menjëherë problemet e veta, askush nuk do t’ua zgjidhë. Nëse Europa e sotme nuk bëhet agjent i fatit të vet, do të shndërrohet në objekt të fuqive të reja botërore....Autokratizmi Thellon Korrupsionin
Një dinamikë që është inkurajuar edhe nga mungesa e një institucioni të fuqishëm të hetimit, si edhe i gjykatave të pavarura dhe të pakorruptuara....Author info