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Twelve of the best new novelists
As a marketing exercise, it worked. Novelists began featuring in newspapers and magazines; new novels – and the advances that novelists had received – became news items.
Police hunt Facebook bullies
Police will recruit a teenage police volunteer in their Facebook project who will help identify any new cases of the crime. ...Arab awakening: What next?
“The Arab countries need to create 100 million jobs in the next five years,” says Birnbaum. “Democracy by itself won’t solve the problem.” ...Bisedimet përballë realitetit
Lugina e Preshevës me tri komunat me popullsi shumicë shqiptare Preshevë, Bujanoc dhe Medvegjë, shihet si lojtar rezervë i lojës që pritet të zhvillohet....Kosova, tokë e premtuar
Por, a mundet Presidenti i ri i Kosovës të ndikojë pozitivisht dhe fuqishëm në përmbysjen e situatës bile ekonomike në Kosovë, pra a mundet ai të rimëkëmbë ekonominë e vendit të tij të lindjes? ...Assange can be extradited: court
Mr. Assange's lawyers have questioned Sweden's judicial process and expressed concern their client risks being handed over to the United States, which is investigating......NASA delays satellite launch
Besides monitoring particles in the atmosphere, Glory will also track solar activity to determine the sun's effect on climate....Code of silence, finally broken
While most journalists do not report their experiences of personal assault, a CBS correspondent's decision to go public with her attack by a mob in Egypt has changed things. ...Mubarak's assets to be frozen
State media on Sunday had quoted Mr. Mubarak's legal representative as saying the former President had submitted to authorities a declaration that he had no assets abroad....Cosmic census finds a crowd of planets
At least 500 million of those planets are in the not-too-hot, not-too-cold zone where life could exist. The numbers were extrapolated from the early ......Shkolla, problemet dhe sfidat
Të gjithë e pranojmë se arsimi është shtylla e kombit, dhe të gjithë po ashtu e pranojmë se kombi ynë shqiptarë ka ngecur, stagnuar dhe se nuk është atje ku duhej të ishte....Where does Egypt go from here?
What happened in Egypt has come as a surprise and it is foolhardy to predict what will come next. However, huge aspirations have been unleashed. ...Me dorashka, pa diplomaci
Protestat legjitime të Opozitës shqiptare aktuale i kanë të gjithë elementët e duhur; motivin politik, ekonomik e social, zemërimin, mllefin, madje këtë të fundit edhe me tepri....Schedule For London 2012 Olympics Released
As well as promising a potentially glittering end to the London Games for the home crowd, the schedule offers the possibility of an early celebration. ...* * *
At such times he has been known to shed tears into his sustenance till it diluted to utter inefficiency....* * *
As a result, his uniform, which was not brand-new to start with, began to look dirty, despite all the loving care of the mother and sister to keep it clean......Kohë kur morali shndërrohet në mall
Dhe në ekonominë e tregut çdo gjë shndërrohet në mall. Këtu morali i vetëm është përfitimi. Dhe përfitimi vjen e bëhet forca lëvizëse e tërë shoqërisë. ...SHBA: Të ruhet kushtetutshmëria e Shqipërisë
“Nuk duhet të kemi dyshime se Kushtetuta u jep institucioneve pavarësi. Ato duhet ta bëjnë punën e tyre pa frikën e rrjedhojave politike. Ne do t’i mbështesim ato në përpjekje për ta bërë këtë....Oxbridge warned on poor students
Top universities such as Oxford and Cambridge will be barred from charging the maximum £9,000 tuition fee unless they accept "dramatically" more poorer students......Konferencë shtypi e Presidentit Topi
Në një shtet demokratik, respekti ndaj ligjit dhe institucioneve përbën shpirtin e shtetit dhe moralin e shoqërisë....It is not 'fair’ to tie universities’ hands
The UK’s top universities have been an island of excellence in a rising tide of mediocrity. ...Pavarësia e varësisë
Dokumenti i Ahtisaarit i dha Kosovës një pavarësi pa substancë, duke e lënë të varur nga misionet e Bashkimit Europian....Julian Assange prosecutor 'biased against men'
Speaking outside court afterwards, Mr Assange claimed a “black box with rape written on it" had been put on his life, and said he looked forward to proving his innocence....Honey bee collapse threatens global food security
The bee crisis has been treated as a niche concern until now, but as the UN's index of food prices hits an all time-high, it is becoming urgent to know whether the plight... ...Ronaldo sparkles in Real's big win
Ronaldo is now level in the scorers' chart on 24 goals with Barca's Lionel Messi, who had a hat-trick on Saturday against Atletico. ...In Turkey's example, some see map for Egypt
As Egypt struggles to reinvent itself, many experts in the region say that it might look to Turkey for some valuable lessons. ...A mund të realizohen vërtetë premtimet?!
Gjendja e mjerë dhe e pa rrugëdalje e popullit, nuk ka të bëj vetëm me ndërkombëtarët, ajo lidhet me fatalitetin, e brendshëm sepse ndërgjegjja e tij po nëpërkëmbet nga vetë shqiptarët......HSBC chief executive Stuart Gulliver in line for £9m bonus
Stuart Gulliver, the new chief executive of HSBC, is expected to accept a bonus of as much as £9m later this month in reward for his stewardship of the bank's investment arm. ...Meritokracia dhe oligarkët
Një luftë që s’po kryhet, po vazhdon në mes shqiptarëve, në Shqipëri, në Kosovë, në Maqedoni kudo ku ka shqiptarë. Me fqinjët, pak a shumë situata qëndron më mirë....European leaders tell Mubarak to go
Amnesty International accused Egyptian authorities of complicity in attacks on protesters, journalists and rights activists. ...Battle for Tahrir Square, and more
Those firebombs in bottles fell in a flaming arc into the midst of the anti-Mubarak camp, lighting small fires....Juventus' winless streak continues
“We've got to make it clear that there needs to be more attention paid to Juventus right now by the refereeing department.” ...UCAS: university applications reach record high
Record numbers of students are applying to university this year in a rush to beat a major hike in tuition fees, figures suggest. ...Businesses take flight, with help from NASA
Following in the pattern of tapping Greek mythology for the names of its spacecraft, Orbital calls its plane Prometheus. ...Dubai never leaves you
But you will always find warm welcomes. Dubai offers unique opportunities for cultural cross-fertilization....Plani "imagjinar" i tragjedise se 21 Janarit
Do ishte interesante te mesonim se me ke bisedoi ne telefon Kryeministri per t’i shpetuar rrethimit ne ato 5 ore? ...Mëkati demonstrues
Kombi shqiptarë përherë ka të drejtë të demonstrojë, jo vetëm në Shqipëri, por gjithkah ku është dhe ku jeton. Ai nuk guxon të vritet, sepse çdo vdekje e shqiptarit ......Baraka e kopshtit të mollëve
Baraka e kopshtit të mollëve kishte qënë dikur parajsa ime tokësore. Gjithshka ishte e ngritur pa kujdes. E vogël si një shtëpizë përrallash, me mure të rrënuara....Author info