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Our university revolution has only just begun
In 2012/13, they may recruit as many students with good A-level results as they can without risk of censure or fines. With one single step, we have liberated Oxbridge and other research-intensive institutions from controls on their student numbers.
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“Email phishing defrauds millions of people and companies every year, resulting in a loss of consumer confidence in email and the Internet as a whole,” said Brett McDowell, chair of and Senior Manager of Customer Security Initiatives at PayPal....Prosecution, power, principle
Surely, the decision about whether a particular prosecution is vexatious or not is better left to the judiciary. ...Eurozonë: Papunësia arrin në 16.5 milion
Papunësia është rritur gjatë vitit 2011 për shkak të krizës së borxheve që ka kapluar pjesën më të madhe të vendeve të Eurozonës. Në Dhjetor të 2010, niveli i papunësisë në Eurozonë ishte 10 për qind. ...* * *
Continuing a new series of memorable journeys made by Telegraph writers, Christopher Howse recalls facing the perceived horrors of a 16th-century tunnel in Aragon, Spain. ...Megaupload users may lose their data
Megaupload hires outside companies to store the data, for a fee. But Megaupload attorney Ira Rothken said Sunday that the government has frozen its money....At the crossroads of mediaphobia
The internet has been described as the network of networks. Through social networking, it helps isolated individuals constitute themselves as a group or a ‘public'....Në shpëtim të Eurozonës
Liderët e BE-së të mbledhur sot në Bruksel kanë arritur një marrëveshje lidhur me Fondin e Përhershëm për Shpëtimin e Shteteve, i cili do të jetë operativ që në Korrik të këtij viti....The revolution will not be tweeted
What makes the loss of online freedoms particularly disturbing is the lack of due process that must accompany an invasion of privacy in the physical world — court authorisation to access personal information, enter the home, sift through materials, and make seizures....Reciprocitet edhe për fusnota
Është absurde që Kosova në tubime ndërkombëtare krahas emrit të pranojë një fusnotë që thotë “pa paragjykim të statusit” e të mos kërkojë së paku që edhe Serbia të prezantohet njëjtë, me një fusnotë, për të siguruar se emri i Serbisë nuk nënkupton se Kosova është pjesë e saj. ...Strategjia e dhembjes e eurozonës
Mbajtja e Europës Jugore në një gjendje “tërhiq e mos këput” do të ishte strategji shumë më e besueshme në rast se shoqërohet nga një program i rritjes nga e gjithë eurozona. Dhe, në këtë pikë, një program i tillë nuk shihet fare në horizont....Recession causes 2,000 heart attack deaths
The recession has caused 2,000 deaths from heart attacks in London, researchers have suggested....Misdirected ire
Not surprising at all because there are 13.5 million Americans who are unemployed today, and the jobless rate, though on the decline in the last three months, is still at an uncomfortable 8.5 per cent....* * *
Europe needs to "show the colour of their money" before Britain will hand over more cash to bail out its struggling countries, George Osborne has said. ...Piedestale për ardhmërinë
Demokracia e një shteti shihet në sjelljen e tij ndaj kritikëve. Në 100-vjetorin e lindjes Max Frisch në Zvicër është vendosur në piedestalin e një shenjtori kombëtar. Koha ka treguar që kritikat e tij kundër arrogancës së pushtetit, kundër fuqisë mbytëse të kapitalit, kundër shtetit që nuhat e përgjon qytetarët e tij kanë qenë të sakta dhe të drejta. ...Davos 2012...
British prime minister warns World Economic Forum that eurozone is facing a 'perilous' moment and urgent action is needed on Greece, banks and the bailout fund. ...Who should judge the judges?
The rationale for the establishment of a commission must be that it will guarantee the independence of the system from inappropriate politicisation, strengthen the quality of appointments, enhance the fairness of the selection process, promote diversity in the composition......* * *
European Commission vice-president Viviane Reding was forced into a defensive corner today, after putting forward her proposed rewrite of the EU's 17-year-old data protection law....Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom refused bail
A New Zealand judge ordered Kim Dotcom, the founder of online file-sharing site, to be held in custody for another month on Wednesday, saying the suspected Internet pirate posed a significant flight risk....Julian Assange plans TV chat show
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is to host a TV show interviewing "key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries" from around the world....Të gjithë fajet e Eurozonës
Eurozona, dhe e gjithë Europa, janë duke u fundosur dalëngadalë për shkak të një përzierje toksike masash shtrënguese kursimi dhe një sistemi financiar difektoz nga pikëpamja strukturore....2012 - Year of the Dragon!
Spectators in southwest China's Sichuan Province gathered by a lake in Miyi County to welcome the Year of the Dragon with a light show projected onto a giant water screen....* * *
"Everybody who has taken psychedelics makes the point that these can produce the most profound changes in the state of awareness and being that any of them have experienced," said Nutt....Egypt's scientists savour post-revolution year
Over the past year, the science budget has increased by more than a third, salaries have risen and plans have been made for a science and technology city. ...Diplomatët e huaj: Gratë dhe roli i tyre
Rishikimi dhe fuqizimi i sistemit ekzistues të kuotës gjinore, në linjë me rekomandimet e OSBE/ODIHR-it, duhet të ndihmojë që të garantohet dëgjimi i zërit të grave” thuhet në letrën e ambasadorëve....UK challenges human rights court
David Cameron will this week issue a challenge to the European Court of Human Rights by saying it must no longer be able to act as a court of appeal on cases already dealt with in Britain....Megaupload ...
Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom (R) appears with other employees in Auckland's North Shore District Court after their arrest January 20, 2012. New Zealand police broke through electronic locks and cut their way into a mansion safe room to arrest the ......Ja pse duhet përjetësuar 21 Janari
Thënia e ish ambasadorit amerikan Widhers, gati në përlotje, se “më 21 janar 2011 u derdh gjak i shenjtë shqiptar”, ishte një përmbyllje drithëruese e gjithë asaj panorame që ai bëri për situatën tejet të rëndë në të cilën ndodhet Shqipëria sot....Study challenges existence of arsenic-based life
Open-science advocates fail to reproduce controversial findings.“Their most striking claim was that arsenic had been incorporated into the backbone of DNA, and what we can say is that there is no arsenic in the DNA at all,” says Redfield....Putin to meet "old friend" Henry Kissinger
The meeting comes six weeks before Russia's presidential election and amid accusations that the United States was behind a series of street protests that began after the Dec. 4 parliamentary elections that were widely dismissed as fraudulent. ...Rushdie assassination threat
Sir Salman Rushdie has announced his withdrawal from a leading Indian literature festival after officials warned professional assassins were on their way to kill him....* * *
The World Bank said an escalation in the euro area's debt crisis meant 'Europe was probably already in recession'......Martin Schulz
Posti i Presidentit të Parlamentit Europian tradicionalisht ndahet mes konservatorëve dhe socialdemokratëve. Schulz është anëtar i këtij Parlamenti prej vitit 1994....Tackling health problems
A system called Bio Diaspora will be used, which tracks air traffic to help anticipate the global spread of diseases. The internet will also be closely monitored to spot early geographical evidence of “disease activity”....Anniversary of shame
Washington's claim that conditions at Guantánamo are now better is no defence. Only six inmates have been convicted, and that too in military courts, which work to lower standards of proof than civilian ones....Barclays boss could net £10m payout
Barclays boss Bob Diamond could receive a £10 million payout in the forthcoming bonus season, according to reports....* * *
"We are all going to live a digital life," he said. "Just as we write well and read well, I think that if you have even a basic understanding of computer coding, it will help you understand the structure of your digital life."...Arriving in Venus
Far beneath us an ideal world of clouds hid the surface from our view. We seemed to be floating above a range of snowy Alps, their dusky valleys filled with glaciers, and their sovereign peaks glittering in the sun like diamonds. ...Mjedis i ndotur moralisht
Unë ëndërroj një republikë të pavarur, të lirë dhe demokratike, një ekonomi të begatë dhe shoqëri të drejtë, me pak fjalë, një republikë humane e cila i shërben individit dhe shpreson se edhe individi do t’i shërbejë....Media sociale, midis emancipimit e shformimit
Media industriale e tradicionale (filmi, gazeta, radio, televizioni) kërkon burime të konsiderueshme financiare në realizimin dhe regjistrimin, publikimin dhe shpërndarjen e informacionit, ndërsa media sociale nuk është e kushtueshme, është relativisht e kapshme dhe lehtësisht depërtuese tek gjithsecili, duke mundësuar shpejtësi komunikimi dhe marrje e dhënie informacioni....Kabul's stadium of horrors
Some 5,000 spectators watched men and women parade on a resurfaced track that surrounds a bright green artificial grass pitch funded by the U.S. that was inaugurated with a soccer match. Many of the spectators saw their sport careers destroyed during the... ...Intervistë me Enkelejd Lamajn
Mund të them vetëm që të shkruaj në këtë lloj zhanri, për mua, nuk është thjesht çështje sfide, por kënaqësie e shumëfishtë, diçka e tipit “sine-qua-non”, siç thonë juristët, ndaj dhe, në këtë aspekt, çdo gjë tjetër mbetet të jetë pasojë. ...Nothing to celebrate in New Year
This is the third consecutive year of “austerity” which has already led to swingeing public spending cuts and millions of job losses with little evidence of the promised new jobs in the private sector. Last year, Britain reached the highest level of unemployment since ......Bird flu and the future of biosecurity
Plans for restricted access to bird flu papers expected 'within the next few weeks'....Billions of habitable planets in Milky Way
Most of the stars in the Milky Way have Earthlike planets meaning there are billions of potentially habitable worlds in our galaxy, a new study claims. ...Edhe një parti e re...
Shpresa e së djathtës është një parti e re e së djathtës... E shoh zotin Topi si lider të kësaj partie. Aktualisht po punoj me programin, me organizimin dhe mendoj që do kemi përkrahje të jashtëzakonshme. Demokratët e zhgënjyer do të jenë një përkrahje për ne....Viti i pavendosmërisë në Europë
Mosmarrëveshjet politike po manifestohen pak a shumë përgjatë linjave shtetërore. Kjo ndasi është duke i vështirësuar gjërat në masë të madhe, për shkak se duhet një bashkëpunim i ngushtë ndërkombëtar për korrigjimin e jobalancës globale që paraqet rrënjën e krizës....* * *
Në nisje të konferencës, koloneli Mikolaj Przybyl tha: “Gjatë karrierës sime nuk e kam turpëruar kurrë Poloninë dhe do mbroj nderin e një oficeri të forcave të armatosura polake. Tani ju lutem më lini të qetë pesë minuta. Kam nevojë të pushoj”....* * *
Iran announced yesterday it had begun to enrich uranium at a second underground facility, as the challenge of mounting a military strike against the Islamic republic grew significantly more complicated. ...“Vdekjet misterioze të procesit të babait”
“Deri tani janë plot pesë persona, të cilët kanë lidhje me ngjarjen e zhdukjes dhe eliminimit të babait apo hetimin dhe gjykimin e saj, që nuk jetojnë më. Kjo na çudit më shumë se gjithçka”, - shprehet Ardian Hoxha, djali i Remziut. ...O-live it up
This multipurpose, exhilaratingly green, chlorophyll rich, mildly spicy and grassy aromatic oil with a twang of slight bitterness is armed with a garrison of health-promoting and disease preventing qualities that no other oil possesses....Eurozone recession fears grow
The contrasting fortunes of the eurozone and US were brought sharply into focus as US jobs figures came in surprisingly strong, while eurozone data was weaker than expected....The electrifying effect of water
If the beauty of Niagara is unmatched during the day, it's vision at night is like living a psychedelic dream: 21 powerful Xenon spotlights illuminate the falls in rainbow colours. During the festival of lights, a dazzling firework display adds to the cacophony of colour....Ta marrësh fenë seriozisht
Ne kemi nevojë për demokracinë miqësore me fenë dhe fenë miqësore me demokracinë. Në kohërat e festave të krishtera ky është një mesazh i rëndësishëm, të cilin Jezu Krishti, besoj, do ta kishte aprovuar....Kur inati i befason elitat
Surpriza e parë ishte fuqia dhe universaliteti i pakënaqësisë publike. Motivimet e protestuesve në çdo vend ishin unike. Por kishte një fije të përbashkët në këto kryengritje dhe një arsye të përbashkët pse elitat u gjendën të papërgatitura....* * *
Elysium of the roofless. Hence my happiness at last. Lie down, all seems to say, lie down and stay down. I see no connexion between these remarks. But that one exists, and even more than one, I have little doubt, for my part. But what? Which? ...New year, new science
In June, scientists, politicians and campaigners of all stripes will flock to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the United Nations’ fourth Earth summit, devoted to sustainable development and the green economy. The conference — undoubtedly the major environmental meeting of 2012......* * *
London Olympics organisers have asked thousands of people to return their synchronised swimming tickets after overselling them during the second sales period last year. ...* * *
In this hall the two Napoleons were proclaimed; and the brilliant memory of those summer festivals that lately made St. Cloud dazzling with light and beauty, was reflected from mirror, cornice, and tinted fabric; from this gilt on the iron chain of usurped dominion......Preoccupation with dieting becomes neurosis
The ancient Greeks knew that slimming down was a question of time and moderation. For early Christians, gluttony, written on the body in flesh, acquired the status of a deadly sin — and we have been feeling guilty ever since. If we look back over the centuries, it's ......Author info