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UN war crimes archive 'should be open to public
British academic urges government to obtain and open up archive documenting 10,000 possible second world war crimes.
The archive, held in 400 boxes, includes almost 400,000 pages of documents, mainly transferred to 184 reels of microfilm but not digitally stored or indexed.
For Europe, Bank Loans, Round 2
The European Central Bank president, Mario Draghi, said he always knew how important the three-year bank loans were. ...Pasojat e “fusnotës”
Pse fuqitë e mëdha vendosin të angazhohen që dy palë në Ballkan të arrijnë marrëveshje të tilla - këtë e vendosin vetë fuqitë e mëdha. Nuk e vendosin vetë palët në Ballkan, as opozita dhe as qeveritë e tyre....Rainfall calms storms
Globally, friction on raindrops dissipates almost as much atmospheric energy as does turbulence. ...Musine Kokalari...
Nuk e di se çfarë i injektoj me gjilpërë infermieria, por atë natë Musineja nuk mbijetoi. Mbas disa minutash që iu bë injeksioni ajo vdiq. Ne e kemi veshur me një kostum të zi, më një bluzë të bardhë, me të gjitha. Kur e morën njerëzit e saj, thanë se ajo ishte e lidhur me kavo me tela me gjemba....Fighting piracy on dry land
Even though the great powers seem willing to engage in endless wars against terrorists or narcotics traffickers, there is no stomach for an intervention designed to address the piracy threat. ...* * *
Los Blancos looked to be cruising to a fine away win in the Russian capital only to see Pontus Wernbloom pop up with a dramatic late equaliser for the home side....Europe seals new Greek bailout to avert default
After 13 hours of talks, ministers finalized measures to cut Greece's debt to 120.5 percent of gross domestic product by 2020, a fraction above the target, to secure its second rescue in less than two years and meet a bond repayment in March...Ngushëllime familjeve të komandove
"I përjetshëm qoftë kujtimi i tyre!’’ – theksohet në mesazhin e Presidentit Topi. ...* * *
Pagesa e ryshfetit që një ushtarak duhet të paguajë për të shkuar në Irak është 7 mijë dollarë, gati gjysma e shpërblimit që ata do të merrnin për një periudhë 6 mujore qëndrimi atje. ...How the first plant came to be
A genetic analysis reveals the ancient, complex — and symbiotic — roots of photosynthesis in plants....Politika shqiptare ka humbur legjitimitetin dhe moralin për të drejtuar shoqërinë
Politika ka humbur legjitimitetin dhe mbi të gjitha moralin për ta udhëhequr shoqërinë shqiptare dhe kjo nuk është një e metë apo një defekt i rastit, por një krizë e rëndë e mënyrës së të bërit politikë, në një vend ku politikanët dhe politika, për shkak të zullumeve ......This London dream has parts missing
What makes the London metaphor seem feasible at all, the specific mixture of neoliberal gloss and postcolonial populist sweep, is not clear. But two real sources of Calcutta's magic realism are missing in this fiction....Paper chase
In the era of the iPad and Kindle, good old-fashioned paper still holds its own. Each year, the world consumes more than 300 million tonnes of it, and consumption has grown by 400 per cent over the past 40 years....Kosova, tregim i suksesit
Katër vjet pas shpalljes së pavarësisë, Kosova paraqet një tregim të suksesit, thanë të enjten udhëheqësit më të lartë të institucioneve të Kosovës gjatë një seance solemne të Kuvendit, me rastin e katër-vjetorit të pavarësise....Intervistë me Z. Aleko Ballauri
A.BALLAURI: Edgar Allan Poe, Pushkini dhe Gollsuorthi.Nga përkthyesit mbi të gjithë ve Fan Nolin.Më bëjnë përshtypje përkthimet e poezisë botërore nga rusi Fjodor Tjutçev. ...Greek bailout myths
The plan itself requires reductions worth €3.3 billion in wages, pensions, and jobs during the first year alone; in return, a bond swap is to cut the country's €350-billion debt by 100 billion, reducing the debt burden to 120 per cent of GDP....Për një zgjedhje të Presidentit nga populli
Zgjedhja e presidentit nga populli do t’u krijonte mundësi konkurrimi të gjithë atyre që plotësonin kriteret për president dhe që vendosnin të hynin në një garë të tillë. ...The year of the princeling
One Chinese source close to the party says behind Mr. Xi's rise has been his unique ability to play the role of “a balancing force” between different interest groups....Federer back in Rotterdam after long gap
The Swiss World No. 3 is a good friend of tournament director and 1996 Wimbledon winner Richard Krajicek and has changed his normal February schedule to include the indoor event which begins on Monday at the Ahoy stadium...Geotizimi i shqiptarëve të Luginës
Nëse vërtet vendet e Ballkanit kanë për synim BE-në, atëherë duhet përqafuar medoemos standardet më të larta për qytetarët e tyre dhe në të ardhmen të mos kenë pengesa, si në lëvizje, qarkullim, komunikim dhe raporte të mira fqinjësore....The Russians are leaving … Russia
The first post-Soviet emigration wave, when an estimated 1.1 million left Russia in the 1990s, was largely attributed to the lifting of Communist-era travel restrictions and the country's painful transition to a market economy....Confusing signals on Afghanistan
The latest United Nations report on civilian casualties provides the depressing information that 3,021 civilians were killed in Afghanistan from January to December 2011, an increase of eight per cent over 2010 (2,790), and 25 per cent over 2009 (2,412)....* * *
The colder of Britain's two contending weather fronts has established a grip on the eastern half of the country, with temperatures falling to lows below -10C overnight and fresh snow likely before the weekend....Hypocritical oaths
The question is one that all researchers should bear in mind, because history may judge them more harshly than their peers do. History judges some research as unethical, despite approval at the time....London Olympic Games
With the UK teetering on the brink of a second recession in four years and Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King warning the road to recovery will be long and arduous, the economic impact of the Olympics is becoming more important than ever. ...Në Kamachatka : - 55 gradë Celsius
Një nga temperaturat më të ulëta rekord u regjistrua në Kamchatka, Rusi....Fission power back on NASA’s agenda
Space-technology report prioritizes nuclear propulsion.Reactors could support long-lasting experiments on the surface of planets and power missions to the outer Solar System, where the Sun is too distant to provide much power for even the most efficient solar panels. ...Carpathian Mountains
The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc roughly 1,500 km long across Central and Eastern Europe, making them the second-longest mountain range in Europe (after the Scandinavian Mountains, 1,700 km)....Come rich, come single
Indeed, their application could attract legal challenge for violating Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, i.e. the right to respect for private and family life....Acar-dimri europian
Temperaturat në shumë vende janë nën minus 20 gradë Celsius, shpesh edhe minus 30 gradë Celsius....* * *
A 23-year-old design student from Middlesex University is to launch a mobile phone made largely from bamboo....* * *
During a failed appeal against a decision last week refusing bail, Dotcom, in his signature black t-shirt and black zip-up vest, gave details of his arrest at his $NZ30 million rented mansion. ...Mars too dry for life
Life could not exist on the surface of Mars because the planet has experienced a 600 million year "super-drought", scientists claim. ...Zuckerberg's 2012 personal income tax bill: $1.5 billion
As a result of the convoluted morass that is the US tax code, the profits that Zuckerberg will realize from excercising his options will be taxed as regular income, and not as capital gains....Frozen Britain to hit -12C
A blanket of snow is expected to cover most of England and Wales, ushering in the coldest day of winter so far....Ora e Europës
Derisa 11 vendet anëtare të BE-së vendosën më 15 janar 1992 të pranojnë pavarësinë e Sllovenisë dhe Kroacisë, një shtet tjetër me ndikim në Evropë këtë hap e ndërmori më herët: më 23 dhjetor 1991 Gjermania bëri publik vendimin për njohjen e dy republikave të ......Europa përfshihet nga një i ftohtë i acartë
I ftohti i acartë do të zhvendoset në të gjithë Europën dhe do të jetë prezent deri në fund të javës....Is Facebook worth $100bn?
After reading Facebook's S-1 document, it's probably not worth $100bn, but at least one analyst has compared it to Google and Apple around the time of their listings, and has backed a $75bn valuation ...TNQ lecture on stem cells
In just two years, the celebrated adult stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka hopes that clinical trials will begin on curing the once-untreatable spinal injuries with the help of “reprogrammed” adult cells or ‘induced pluripotent stem' (iPS) cells....Author info