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Prince Charming
The rain kept on, and late in the afternoon the ice-man telephoned that some of the machinery at the factory was broken, so there would be no ice!
Phelps breaks all-time Olympic medal record
Michael Phelps became the most successful medallist in Olympic history after claiming silver in the 200m butterfly and gold in the 4x200 freestyle relay to bring his career tally to 19. ...Përqafimi i Diellit
Ndërsa unë jam këtu në varrin, më të thellin”. Të tjerë ngjitin malin të përqafojnë ‘diellin’! ...Rigging the rate
Banks and regulators in the West, with their reputation already tarnished by one scandal or another, will have to strive hard to earn back the trust of the rest of the world. ...Private schools should do more
The best way for private schools to behave responsibly, however, is to sponsor academies, which are independent state schools. This path has been open to them for several years and has already been pursued with success by several......Twitter crashes amid Olympic fever
Heavy traffic and an unidentified problem have taken Twitter offline on the eve of the Olympics. ...Rreth idesë së Beneluksit ballkanik
Ideja e Beneluksit, qartësisht si të gjitha idetë e ngjashme, ka në qendër fuqizimin e faktorit shqiptar apo rritjen e mëtejshme të kohezionit mes tij në të gjitha fushat. Ky kohezion do të fuqizohej duke nisur më së pari nga ekonomia. ...Blind to reason
Unless governments agree to remove copyright as a barrier to the creation of special format materials, visually impaired and disabled people will be prevented from leading rich and satisfying lives. ...Experiments with Gandhi in Putin land
“After the death of Mahatma Gandhi, there’s nobody left to talk to,” Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin sarcastically joked five years ago commenting on the violations of human rights and freedoms in the West....London 2012
All eyes turn to London on Friday for the Olympic opening ceremony, a three-hour showcase set to be watched by more than a billion people. ..."The Bride of the Nile"
There was a to-do! Half the city went crazy. Thousands went out to meet him, as though he were the Saviour; they erected triumphal arches, even folks of my creed—no one thought of hanging back....End of an age for Aquarius
Iconic underwater research base set to close its airlocks for the last time this year....Health versus wealth
The HLEG envisages a “managed care” model with a thrust on an increase in government expenditure. By increasing public spending on drug procurement, availability of free essential medicines is to be ensured....* * *
The former Labour prime minister talks about religion and politics, lessons from the financial crisis and the future of the euro. ...Romanian gymnastics
The consolidation and stability of parliamentary institutions in countries of Eastern Europe is of paramount importance for the bloc as a whole and its future expansion into the Balkans. ...Po Shqipëria?
Një Europë e tillë me krizë borxhesh në gjirin e saj, të shprehur dhe te tronditja e euros, nuk duket e stabilizuar si më parë. Bile, recesioni në mjaft vende europiane e ka degraduar jo pak imazhin e saj si fuqi ekonomike. ...Top Universities Test the Online Appeal of Free
The elite universities will be best able to compete with low-cost alternatives because their large endowments make them less dependent on tuition income, and they can lower their effective prices through generous financial aid......Fati i Profetit
Luftëtarë të paepur në çdo kohë për atdheun, gdhendur Bindshëm nga dora e pamëshirshme e historisë tek skarton ... ...Çelësi Europë
Mbase do të duhej ta mendonin pak zyrtarët europianë – Kosova e zgjidhur në këtë formë do të ishte sukses i jashtëzakonshëm për Europën, që nuk është shquar shumë për nga sukseset diplomatike atëherë ku nuk ka pasur përfshirje amerikane....Why France is on the road to becoming the new Greece
The worst case scenario is not unique to France. Of the eurozone countries both the Dutch and Greece would fare as badly as France were the base case to turn out to be correct. ...Boris's Olympic ode
The Mayor of London Boris Johnson will recite an Olympic ode for the first time at the Opening Gala for the International Olympic Committee on Monday evening. ...Individualisht apo në “turmë sociale”?
Mënyra e sotme e ekzistencës së individit bashkë me shqetësimet ekzistenciale të tij, kërkojnë analiza, vrojtime dhe nxjerrje konkluzionesh mbi një bazë të re sociale dhe ekzistenciale....Drejt udhës së zgjerimit
Progresi i mëtejshëm do të varet në shkallë të gjerë nga qëndrueshmëria dhe vendosmëria e dialogut mes forcave politike dhe gjithashtu nga arritja e rezultateve konkrete dhe të prekshme nga ana e Shqipërisë në trajtimin e reformave të rëndësishme që lidhen me Bashkimin Europian , që njihen si 12 përparësitë kyçe. ...Britain hots up as Olympics gets closer
Britain enjoyed some rare sunshine this weekend as forecasters said they were hopeful that the weather will remain fine for Friday's Olympic Games opening ceremony. ...Volcanology: Europe's ticking time bomb
Vesuvius is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world — but scientists and the civil authorities can't agree on how to prepare for a future eruption....The great gene-patent debate
How the Myriad Genetics gene-patent case might affect personalized medicine....Britani, grevë para Lojërave Olimpike
Unioni tha se anëtarët e tij do të hyjnë në grevë në 26 Korrik për të refuzuar punën përtej orarit për ditët 27 Korrik-20 Gusht sa dhe zgjasin Lojërat Olimpike. ...Polypill 'will give over 50s years more healthy life'
Everyone over 50 should be offered a cheap one-a-day polypill as it could extend the life of more than one in four by 11 years, claim researchers. ...David Cameron: I’ll never campaign to take us out of Europe
David Cameron talks about a referendum vote and suggests the Coalition may not endure all the way to the next election... ...Physical Inactivity a 'Pandemic'
Failure to Get Recommended Amounts of Activity Is Tied to Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer......Science at the Olympics: Team science
The Olympics is a vast experiment in human performance, sport technology and global travel. Nature meets some of the scientists behind the scenes. ...Lord Green under pressure over HSBC money laundering
Trade minister Lord Green has been called to account for what he knew about money laundering at HSBC in the years that he ran the bank. ...* * *
Facebook mund të jetë më i populluar, por Google+ është më i pëlqyer nga përdoruesit e rrjeteve sociale. ...Your E-Book Is Reading You
Digital-book publishers and retailers now know more about their readers than ever before. How that's changing the experience of reading. ...Heathrow to get fast-track passport
Citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and the US will benefit from post-Olympic launch....Neutrino physics: Beta test
Debate rages over whether researchers have managed to see an exceptionally rare form of radioactivity. Experiments this year should finally settle the issue. ...Neuroscience: The mind reader
Adrian Owen has found a way to use brain scans to communicate with people previously written off as unreachable. Now, he is fighting to take his methods to the clinic. ...Gjykata model botëror
Kuadri i lirive dhe të drejtave të njeriut kuptohet gjerësisht si një kuadër të drejtash themelore të patjetërsueshme, të cilat një person i zotëron thjesht sepse ai ose ajo është një qenie njerëzore....Wimbledon 2012: Murray - Ferrer
Can anyone deny Andy Murray a first crack at a Wimbledon final? ...Media, it’s time to heal thyself
In democracies, the media have a critical role in highlighting abuses in markets, of political power and in the interaction of the two. They play an essential role in public opinion formation and the democratic process. ...Iran 'ready to attack US bases'
Iran declared on Wednesday that it can destroy nearby US military bases and strike Israel within minutes of an attack on the Islamic Republic, reflecting tensions over Iran's suspect nuclear programme. ...Barroso: BE po luan me zjarrin
“Ata që e dinë historinë europiane, e dinë sa negative ishte roli i paragjykimeve dhe kompleksit të superioritetit të disa vendeve europiane mbi disa të tjera”, deklaroi Barroso, duke folur në seancën e Parlamentit Europian në Strasburg....Saving the western jewels
Today, the Ghats are considered one of eight “hottest hotspots”....Weight-loss drug wins US approval
Obesity treatment shows promise for patients with diabetes despite concerns that it could cause heart complications. ...Guximi për të kujtuar
Caktimi i kufirit kohor mes të djeshmes dhe të sotmes është një proces i vështirë, për rezultatet e të cilit ndoshta nuk biem dot të gjithë në një mendje. Cila periudhë përcaktohet në kujtesën kolektive si e shkuar dhe nga fillon epoka e së tashmes në Europë? ...* * *
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