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UK law introduces life sentence for cybercriminals
The Computer Misuse Act 1990 is to be amended to make sure that hackers that launch serious attacks, such as those on critical infrastructure, could face life imprisonment.
Birmingham academic injects new life in to civil society in Albania
Dibra comprises of a western part in Albania and an eastern part in Macedonia (FYROM), with a total population exceeding 200,000. Access from Albania’s capital Tirana to Dibra currently takes around six hours along a 180km poorly maintained road....Fyle sërish në Tiranë
Komisioneri Fyle do zhvillojë takim dhe me përfaqësues të shoqërisë civile, ndërsa më vonë pritet dhe konferencë shtypi. Lajmi bëhet i ditur nga zëdhënësi i KE, Peter Stano....Queen's Speech: What to expect
Tomorrow’s Queen’s Speech will set out the laws to be passed in the final term of this parliament, before next May’s general election. It is expected to be a relatively slim package of Bills... ...US proposes $1bn for Europe security
President Barack Obama has announced plans for a $1bn (£600m) fund to increase US military deployments to Europe, during a visit to Poland....Computer Virus: How To Protect Yourself
Computer users have been warned to protect themselves from a new computer virus which could hold their PC to ransom - or even drain their bank accounts. ...* * *
Bashkimi Europian shtyn Raportin për statusin e Shqipërisë për javën që vjen. Mos ndoshta ende presin për arrestimet e ministrave dhe zyrtarëve të lartë?! ...Tories to launch devolution plans
The party is preparing to launch its plans for further devolution if Scotland votes "No" in the referendum. ...Tony Blair to call for EU reforms
In a keynote speech to the CBI, he is due to say: "The victories of Ukip in the UK and the National Front in France and the election of parties across the continent on explicitly 'anti-the-status-quo in Europe' platforms signify something. They cannot be ignored. ...3 - 8 Qershor, Panairi i Librit Prishtinë
Panairi i 16-të i Librit do të mbahet nga 3 - 8 Qershor 2014, në ambientet e Pallatit të Rinisë, organizuar nga Shoqata e Botuesve të Kosovës....Author info