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Dora e gjatë dhe ndëshkuese e Kinës
Pamëshirshëmria e Kinës për t’i shtypur kundërshtarët dhe ata që mbrojnë të drejtat e njeriut nuk ka për qëllim vetëm të shkatërrojë frymën e individëve që sfidojnë sistemin...
Trotsky, Blair and the new politics
The turmoil created by Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership could help the Labour Party rediscover its purpose. But another source of renewal is practice – listening and learning from the doers....The Diaspora Goldmine
The relationship between diasporas and their homelands often encompasses a broad palette of sentiments, including distrust, resentment, envy, and enmity. Colloquially, people describe a bout of emigration as a period in which a country “lost” a certain proportion of its population....UK 'Breaching Human Rights' Over Housing
The UK is in breach of its international human rights duties by failing to provide people with adequate homes in the face of a severe housing crisis, leading charities have claimed....Mospërfillja e rrezikshme
Dy rryma inatesh do të na çojnë edhe më thellë në humnerë seç kemi ra. Bëhuni bashkë, uluni e bisedoni, e gjejani çarenë kësaj pune - se viktima e arrogancës së pushtetit dhe kokëfortësisë së opozitës është, në fund, populli ...The EU is a sham. Vote no to let a new Europe take root
It is May 2017. The British voters have just done the unthinkable: they have decided, by a narrow margin, to snub David Cameron and “leave” the European Union. Trafalgar Square has gone wild with union jacks. Cameron’s ham-fisted renegotiation has won no real concessions from Britain’s EU partners....Russia’s European Game in Syria
The goal of Russia’s intervention is therefore not to contribute to the “struggle against terrorism,” as the Kremlin’s propagandists claim, but to restore political control, at any cost, to the regime that spawned the terrorism in the first place....China is Not Collapsing
China certainly experienced a turbulent summer, owing to three factors: economic weakness, financial panic, and the policy response to these problems. While none on its own would have threatened the world economy, the danger stemmed ......Zëri i mekur i intelektualëve
Në një shoqëri si e jona, ku vesi është shndërruar në virtyt dhe virtyti në ves, është vështirë të kërkosh standarde demokratike. Por fatkeqësisht pjesën më vitale të intelektualëve, që janë perla në gjirin e shoqërisë, e gjen të strukur, të përhumbur, të përgjumur në strehën e tyre familjare....UK jobless rate drops to pre-crisis low
Britain’s labour market has perked up, pushing down unemployment to a seven-year low and propelling the employment rate to a record high....Roli i diasporës në politikën amerikane
Dhe imigrantët vazhdojnë të japin kontributin e tyre duke e bërë Amerikën atë që është sot”. Kjo është historia jonë, tha ai. E drejta, pra, për të qenë ndryshe në bazë të kulturës, racës dhe gjuhës – këto janë gjërat që bashkojnë popullin amerikan dhe që na bëjnë një....European populism can be tamed
Populism has infected European politics. But it can be beaten. The three things needed for mainstream politicians to win back control of the debate are competence, fairness and leadership. To some extent, the fightback is already succeeding. ...Nobel Prize winners...
The United States and the United Kingdom dominate when it comes to Nobel Prize winners - but where do the other countries rank?...Tech companies like Facebook not above the law, says Max Schrems
Austrian student who took on Facebook over data privacy in the European court of justice and won says the fightback is just beginning......Business, political leaders back British campaign to stay in EU
Campaigners for Britain to remain in the European Union will make a "patriotic case" that the country is safer in Europe, the group said on Sunday, bringing in business leaders, politicians and television personalities to lead the cause. ...British forces could help achieve an ethical solution in Syria
Syria is our generation’s test, our responsibility. A conflict so horrific that more than half of its people have been forced to flee their homes. Yet the international community’s response through the UN has been woefully inadequate....BE dhe refugjatët
“Shengeni, kontrolli i kufijve, emigracioni në përgjithësi, përfshirë politikën e kthimit, është e gjitha një paketë. Është e rëndësishme që për pjesën e kthimeve, ajo është pranuar nga të gjitha vendet anëtare....Lulëzimi i diktatorëve
Në perëndim, impulsi autoritetit gjithnjë e më shumë bazohet në nocionin e vjetër progresiv të qeverisë me ekspertë....Edhe “shejtani” si bashkëudhëtar i demokracisë!
«Shejtani», paraqitet në shumë forma dhe në shumë ngjyra, të cilat këto i ndërron sipas kohës dhe vendit. Ai paraqitet në formën e urrejtjes, smirës, mungesës së respektit, krimit, trafikantit, vjedhësit, mashtruesit etj., etj....Who are the EU out campaigners?
Britain's membership of the European Union is to be put to a public vote by the end of 2017. Here's a guide to the Eurosceptic groups campaigning for an exit......North Korea 'ready to defend itself'
North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, has said his country could defend itself in any war started by the US....The limits of the sharing economy
The components of prosperity are well enough understood to end all of these global-scale tragedies. But people just don’t think globally. Resources, products, ideas and human beings move more or less freely around the world, but economic solidarity still doesn’t. ...Zemra e Europës rreh
Mesazhi i kancelares dhe presidentit francez ishte i qartë: nuk ka gjë që na ndan. Vetëm me një motor të fortë franko-gjerman Europa mund t'i zgjidhë problemet brenda dhe jashtë. ...What Is The Role Of The Privy Council?
During the time of the Norman Kings between 1066 and 1154, the Privy Council was made up of those appointed by the King and the Queen....The Boehner Shock
In the US, as elsewhere, debates about fiscal policy should be open, with clear statements of alternative goals and balanced assessments of how best to pay for what government does....DNA trio wins Nobel chemistry prize
The Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar for their research into the mechanisms that cells use to repair DNA....Armiqtë e Diellit
Energjia eolike dhe ajo diellore kanë pasur një reputacion si diçka ekstravagante dhe e marrë, që nuk mund të jetë një qasje serioze për energjinë tonë të së ardhmes dhe shumë njerëz kanë ende këtë perceptim. ...Po vdes në dhe të huaj
Po të vdes në dhe të huaj -Shortë mërgimtari – Të ma bëni varrin tim Ku do bje së pari....Which country is the cheapest to study in?
The United Kingdom is one of the most expensive countries for British students to study in, according to new figures....You can print money, so long as it’s not for the people
Quantitative easing is bizarrely unapproachable, even though it’s happening right across the world and its unwinding will dominate the economic picture for years to come; one is allowed to reference QE......New rules on 'political' boycotts
The government is to introduce new rules to stop "politically-motivated" boycotts by local councils....Çmimi Nobel për Paqen 2015
Gazeta ruse “Novaya”, shihet gjithashtu si një pretendete për të fituar. Gazeta vijon që të jetë simboli i pavarësisë së medias ndaj presionit shtetëror. Gjatë historisë së saj, 6 gazetarë janë vrarë, për arsye profesionale....Conservative conference: What to expect
The Conservative Party gathers in Manchester on Sunday for its first conference as a party in a majority government since 1996. What can we expect from the four-day event?...Zac Goldsmith
Zac Goldsmith has been elected as the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London after a landslide victory......Consumer laws: What has changed?
For the first time anyone who buys faulty goods will be entitled to a full refund for up to 30 days after the purchase....Author info