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EU global strategy and the changing nature of conflicts
Recognising that the EU neighbourhood has transformed from a ‘ring of friends’ into a ‘ring of fire’, the strategy nevertheless remains vague on key concepts such as hybrid wars, terrorism, and strategy.
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“Believe in your values and your rules, but never lord them over others... Learn the Truth, my friend, but be careful not to make a fetish out of your truths.” ...Angela Merkel: Zbatoni reformat!
“Shqipëria është bërë një partner i rëndësishëm që para kthesës politike 26 vjet më parë, është bërë një aleate e fortë në NATO me të cilën ne ndihemi të lidhur ngushtë edhe në mënyrë bilaterale....The populist moment
Populism is not an ideology or a political regime, and cannot be attributed to a specific programmatic content. It is compatible with different forms of government. It is a way of doing politics which can take various forms, depending on the periods and the places....The Disunited Kingdom
The intellectual challenge that Britain has consistently sidestepped is how to balance autonomy with cooperation. With too much integration and centralization, calls for local control will only grow louder. If there is too little cooperation......"Build democracy and it spreads like a virus"
We need to saturate the market and render the old models obsolete—through entrepreneurship, politics, resistance, and persistence. It has been remarkable, to me, to watch this platform co-op ecosystem form......Sharm dhe melankoli
Shoqëria amerikane mbetet e përçarë mes bregdetit lindor dhe atij perëndimor nga njëra anë dhe provincës në anën tjetër, e cila e ndien veten të lënë pas dore nga elitat në Washington, New York, Los Angeles dhe në qendra të tjera metropolitane. ...Përfundon Festivali Letrar për të rinj "Tirana 2016"
Me Çmimin e parë për esenë më të mirë është vlerësuar Bujar Plloshtani me esenë " Mbi ekzistencializmin"....Growing Out of US Leadership
Across the developed economies, the prevailing policy mix for the last six years – fiscal tightening and ultra-easy monetary conditions – has resulted in mediocre income growth but big wealth increases for the already rich. ...Have Public Universities Lost Their Focus?
It’s a cycle in which colleges spend more and more money chasing research projects, building luxury dorms and academic centers to attract wealthy students, and engaging in activities that compel them to compete against each other......Donald Trump, thirrje për unitet
Presidenti i sapozgjedhur i Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës, Donald Trump në fjalimin e mbajtur me rastin e Ditës së Falenderimeve, ka bërë thirrje për unitet....Globalization’s Last Gasp
World trade growth would be slowing down, even without Trump in office. Its growth was already flat in the first quarter of 2016, and it fell by nearly 1% in the second quarter. This continues a prior trend: since 2010, global trade has grown ......Falsifikimi i zgjedhjeve në Maqedoni
Dyshohet se me letërnjoftime të dyfishta, të falsifikuara, janë pajisur edhe një pjesë e madhe qytetarëve vendës, duke u evidentuar nga dy herë në listat e votuesve, në vendlindjet e tyre dhe në vendbanimet ku kanë jetuar, ose vazhdojnë të jetojnë aktualisht....How to Feed the World
Humanity’s fight against hunger can be won. Great progress has been made, but the world needs more agricultural R&D and higher productivity. As a rural villager from Deukhola, near the Brahmaputra River in remote northern ......Të mjerët ne
Mjerim kur duhet bërë krahasime të këtilla - te izolimet, njerëzit janë futur në burg pa letra, por kanë dalë gjallë me to; te Astriti letra ishte njësoj njëdrejtimëshe, por në kah të kundërt: hyri me vendim ......Kongresi i Manastirit 14 - 22 Nëntor 1908
Kongresi i Manastirit u shndërrua në një kuvend të vërtetë mbarëshqiptar, në të cilin morën pjesë gjithsej 50 delegatë nga të gjitha anët e Shqipërisë, nga qytetet e vilajeteve të Manastirit, të Kosovës, të Janinës e të Shkodrës......Mother Nature vs. Climate Change
Climate neutrality can be achieved through political willpower, imaginative policies, new green technologies and clean-energy sources, and a multi-trillion-dollar shift in investment toward sustainable economic sectors and infrastructure....Intelektualët dhe kriza shoqërore e shtetërore e Kosovës
Intelektuali publik është ai i cili ka angazhim publik, por jo edhe ambicie politike. Kjo nuk do të thotë se duhet gjykuar angazhimin politik. Përkundrazi. Arenës politike i nevojiten njerëzit me "ortopedinë e ecjes vertikale” e jo arrivistë e poltronë....Mos hesht, por protesto!
Bartësit e pushtetit aktual shpresojnë se edhe më tej mund t’i mbajnë peng proceset demokratike në vend, se mund ta ndrydhin vullnetin e qytetarëve për një të ardhme më të mirë, progres shoqëror dhe zhvillim ekonomik......Japan PM: 'I have great confidence in Trump'
Japan's PM Shinzo Abe has said he has "great confidence" in US President-elect Donald Trump and he believes they can build a relationship of trust....What America’s Economy Needs from Trump
The agenda I have just sketched is not only about the economy: it is about nurturing a dynamic, open, and just society that fulfills the promise of Americans’ most cherished values. But while it is, in some ways, somewhat consistent with ......Can Global Capitalism Be Saved?
Today’s slowing growth and political backlash is not some “new normal.” Rather, it harks back to an “old normal,” last experienced in the 1930s. Whatever the right way forward for the global economy, we know that it cannot mean a return to the isolationism and protectionism of that era....Leonard Cohen (1934 - 2016)
“It was a dance of masks and every mask was perfect because every mask was a real face and every face was a real mask so there was no mask and there was no face for there was but one dance in which there was but one mask ......How do you think about the future, now?
In both the recent UK Brexit vote and US presidential elections, voters chanted lines about making their respective countries ‘great’ again. What that greatness looked like, however, was not articulated as a clear vision for the future....Populism for the Rich
The problem today, all over the world, is that such an alternative is not readily at hand. The French Revolution happened more than two centuries ago. “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” is only a historic slogan today......Ode To Autumn
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run......How Much Europe Do Europeans Need?
The central question for Europe’s future is how much power the EU needs in order to guarantee peace and security for its citizens. That, too, can be addressed only collectively. What is already clear is that Europeans......How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World
Capitalism as zero-sum combat was certainly not the way many of the most prominent economists of the past half-century preferred to think about commercial exchange. In Capitalism and Freedom......Plehrat, kanabisi, hidrocentralet dhe dosjet kundër Vetting-ut!
Një grimacë frymëmarrje ndaj individëve me shumë probleme në fillim zbatim “Vetting-u” ju ka shërbyer për një fushatë të organizuar presioni dhe largimi nga pikërisht kjo temë....Mugët
Nata ka qenë e pangopur. Ka ngrënë hënën, që vështron e nemitur në cep të dritares, ka ngrënë ëndrrat e mija e më ka lënë kuadrat bosh. ...Is segregation on the increase in the UK?
Can mixed communities and a shared society in the UK become recognised as a desirable objective, supported by a strategy and policy framework?...Author info