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A New Model of Human Security
Between interventionist excesses and tragic cases of inaction, it is clear that the international community still lacks a reliable doctrine of ...
H.P. Lovecraft (1890 - 1937)
Lovecraft was an American author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction......All the World's a Stage
There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there......Funeral Blues
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. ...The River of Life
The gladsome current of our youth, Ere passion yet disorders, Steals lingering like a river smooth Along its grassy borders....The Triumph of Life
And in succession due, did Continent, Isle, Ocean, & all things that in them wear The form & character of mortal mould Rise as the Sun their father rose, to bear......Isla de Cuba, Patria
Isla, que jamás nadie vuelva a decir quien es el poeta, tú, como tiene que ser, con nombre de mujer......Korrigjime
- Ah historia, kjo mjerane që nuk mundet me parashiku as edhe një ndeshje futbolli mes Trepçes ......To Nature
When the birds choir being to chirp their songs on the trees then the day being with a wonderful of nature....Hellvellyn
Dark green was that spot 'mid the brown mountain heather, Where the Pilgrim of Nature lay stretched in decay......Life, Loss, and the Wisdom of Rivers
“It’s a mercy that time runs in one direction only, that we see the past but darkly and the future not at all.”...“The Soldier”
A body of England’s, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home....Sailing to Byzantium
And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium....The Present Crisis
When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth's aching breast Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west......Vallëzo, vallëzo, valltar!
Vallëzo nën dritëzën e mijëra cigareve dhe të një hëne Që të ndriçon si dielli ditën....Dimri i Mërgimit
Dimri i mërgimit bënë të thahet dega e trëndafilit dhe s’gjënden lule të tjera ndër trevat e trëmbësisë. ...G V Catullus
Gaius Valerius Catullus ('Catullus') was a Roman poet of the first century BC....Një koktej, një propozim fashist dhe një ringjallje
Gjatë një çerek shekulli në politikën kosovare qe vendosur një parim, që nuk bisedohet për tërësinë tokësore të Kosovës....Roli i meritokracisë në kuptimin shkencor dhe biblik
Jeta individuale është vetëm një insert në mozaikun e memories kolektive, ndërsa......Ozymandias
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"...Old Deuteronomy
His eyes were like fireballs fearfully blazing, He gave a great yawn, and his jaws were amazing......"Oazi Monet"
Oazi gjendet mes maleve të Sekit, përgjatë portës antike të shenjtorëve të Itadorit......Isabel Allende
Allende :“...when everything else fails, we communicate in the language of the stars."...Author info