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Princess Diana: the monarchy's Brexit moment
The monarchy went through its own equivalent of a Brexit shock with Princess Diana...
The Ivy League, Mental Illness, and the Meaning of Life
But the take home message is that everyone has to liberate themselves from this system. Education should be an act of liberation. We need to make a better system but ultimately everybody has to claim their freedom for themselves....Perspektiva ballkanike e shqiptarëve në globalizëm
Proamerikanizmi dhe proeuropianizmi duhet të shihet si frymë publike, kombëtare dhe jo si perceptim individësh, protagonistësh apo kastash politike. Vetëm kjo është afatgjatë dhe e çimenton perspektivën....Refugees: the Trojan horse of terrorism?
Why are leaders in the EU and US reluctant to admit that the main terrorist threat to western countries comes from home-grown extremists?...Pensionet suplementare, grabitje me ligj e taksapaguesve
Pensionet suplementare në mënyrën që jepen, përbëjnë një padrejtësi dhe abuzim që bëhet hapur për të përfituar pushtetarët dhe një kastë e pamerituar. Në këtë aspekt, të gjithë krahët e politikës janë krejtësisht të njëjtë....The parish is the perfect scale for moral community
The parish, it seems, is the perfect size for a successful moral community. And that’s why the beating of the bounds had a hidden moral purpose. For historically, one of the practical purposes of clarity about parish boundaries was that they determined who was responsible......The mysticism of wide open eyes
How does spirituality connect to social change? Spirituality is no stranger to this kind of appropriation, which is why the rigor and self-sacrifice involved in authentic spiritual growth is so important—it helps to weed out distractions and keep you on the straight and narrow. ...The rise of anxiety in the age of inequality
In a world so focused on mindless consumption and status acquisition, the developed world’s epidemic of anxiety and depression should come as no surprise....Neoliberal psychology
All too often, critics speak of neoliberalism as a coercive, external force lying somewhere ‘out there’ in the political landscape. But many of us increasingly and voluntarily govern our lives in a manner mirroring the logic of the market. Is it any wonder......Liria e medias, shëndet për shoqërinë
Liria e shprehjes dhe pluralizmi i medias janë në zemër të vlerave të BE-së, kështu duhet të jetë edhe për vendet kandidate si Shqipëria. "Shumë nga ligjet në Shqipëri përputhen me standardet e mira evropiane, por zakonisht ajo që mungon është zbatimi....WEATHER
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08 May, 2022 23:44:14
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