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Different, yet so similar
Mr. Obama read from Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength,” which an aide said he chose because it spoke of perseverance. Mr. Bush, the wartime leader, read a letter Abraham Lincoln wrote to a widow who was believed to have lost sons in the Civil War.
Culture wars over London riots
“The whites have become black,” he declared with his trademark dramatic flourish.In what one critic dubbed his “career-ending moment,” the former Cambridge academic approvingly quoted the late Tory politician Enoch Powell's 1968 speech warning that unchecked immigration would unleash “rivers of blood” in Britain. He said he had reread the speech in the light of the riots and found that Powell had been “absolutely right.” ...“Thesi” i Amerikës
Dominoja, kataklizma e krizës së borxhit sovran duket se po i përfshin edhe amerikanët. Asgjë nuk do t’i trondiste qeveritarët dhe ekonomistët amerikanë, nëse shumë investues të huaj do të vijonin të blinin bonot e tyre të thesarit. Mbi 60 për qind e transaksioneve (shitjeve dhe blerjeve) financiare dhe ekonomike sot në botë bëhen nëpërmjet dollarit....Bursa e kuajve: Poshtë “Wikileaks”, rroftë “Wikileaks”!
Një pjesë e mirë e opinionit publik, që e njeh më mirë realitetin politik dhe është indiferente, natyrisht nuk është çuditur asnjëherë nga manovrat e pista. Gjithsesi, në “bursën jopolitike”, atë të diskutimeve me stil qytetar, qarkullojnë opinione me të vërtetë të larmishme mbi “lëvizjet e çmimeve në tregjet e kuajve dhe të protestave”....So, was this a war for oil?
The Libyan conflict has been a war about oil if not “for” oil. The country's economy is almost totally dependent on hydrocarbons and a key objective for the transitional government will be to get the wells up and running again as soon as possible. ...WikiLeaks, fundi i lavdisë?!
Publikimi i kabllogrameve sekrete amerikane rëndon jo vetëm marrëdhëniet diplomatike të Shteteve të Bashkuara me vendet e tjera, po rrezikon edhe jetën e njerëzve......Shantazhimi, falja, besimi, agjërimi dhe përfitimi!
Manipulimi me ndjenja fetare i nxënësve të paformuar emocionalisht pashmangshëm krijon kushte të intsrumentalizimit të tyre dhe martirizimit (shehitizmit) të tyre! Përpjekjet tona duhet të bëhen në drejtim të formimit, forcimit dhe afirmimit të vlerave universale njerëzore, atyre kombëtare e pastaj edukimi fetar nuk do të paraqiste fare problem!...What you can do to oust tyrants
The thought should be appealing even to those who support military intervention. All but the most gung-ho concede that such action comes at a cost. Greatest, of course, is the loss of human life inevitable in any military deployment. Nato pilots returned unscathed from their Libyan sorties, but those on the ground did not......The irony of the Anonymous mask
Now, it is not nice to sneer — nor is it wise, when one's target is a rather touchy criminal collective. But there is a tasty irony about the fact that the V mask is itself a copyrighted product. Every time that Rubies sells one — for $6.49, £5.16 or €10.50 — a cut of the profit goes to Warner Bros, which made the film....Japan's turn for downgrade
In addition to its structural debt problems, Japan faces a bill amounting to ¥15-20 trillion for recovery work following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Given the weak growth prospects, it is obvious that Japan will find the servicing of its burgeoning public debt very difficult. ...WEATHER
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